Subcarrier Count Per Chan Est Unit (Custom OFDM)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > Custom OFDM Demodulation Properties > Format tab

Subcarrier Count Per Chan Est Unit displays the subcarrier count per channel estimation unit for each user. The value of this property is set for each Frame Part.

This is an array with one value for each user. The values are unitless. This array along with Symbol Count Per Chan Est Unit decide the size of channel estimation unit in time domain and frequency domain for each user. A value of N means that for each pilot symbol, the pilot values on N adjacent pilot subcarriers are used together to estimate the channel response, and this estimation result is applied to all the N adjacent pilot subcarriers on that symbol. If this array is shorter than the highest user ID, any values past the end are assumed to be 1.

See Also

Format Tab

Custom OFDM Demod Properties