Result Length Selection (Custom OFDM)

The Result Length Selection parameter is used to specify the measurement analysis data, see Time trace. There are two Result Length modes; Automatic or Manual mode. In general, "Automatic" mode will limit the measurement result length and Measurement Interval to the burst length. "Manual" mode will allow the measurement result length and measurement interval to include data beyond the burst length.


In Automatic mode the VSA automatically determines the correct measurement result length and protects against including non-burst data in the measurement analysis. There are two Automatic mode Result Length conditions:

1) Result Length > Burst Length:
The VSA ignores Result Lengths greater than the burst length and limits the measurement input data to the burst length (in symbols). No input data beyond the first detected burst will be included in the measurement analysis.

2) Result Length ≤ Burst Length
The VSA will use the specified Result Length as the maximum measurement Result Length for Result Lengths less than or to the burst length. Measurement input data can be limited to less than the first measurement burst length.

Manual: The VSA uses the specified Result Length as the maximum Result Length. All input data specified by the Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset parameters will be included in the measurement analysis even if the specified Measurement Interval includes data beyond the measurement burst.

Example: The following figures show the difference between Automatic and Manual modes when the Results Length is greater than the first measurement burst.

See Also

Result Length

Measurement Offset

Measurement Interval

Time Tab