CDF shows the cumulative distribution function for the active part of burst. The CDF trace will continue to accumulate data from each sweep until the measurement is restarted.

The CDF Cumulative Distribution Function: The cumulative probability that a parameter will be less than a given value X. shows the probability that the voltage of a random data sample (x) in the active part of the burst will be less than K volts, where K is a value on the x-axis.

CDF(K) = Probability(x £ K)

The CDF is computed by integrating the PDF 1) Probability Density Function Trace Data, or 2) Portable Document Format (PDF) created by Adobe Systems is an open standard for document exchange. (Probability Density Function).

This trace can be useful in designing an amplifier for a particular type of signal. For example, for an amplifier that saturates at 212 mV, place a marker at 212 mV to find what percentage of the time the signal is below the saturation level.

For more information, see the CDF trace topic in the Reference.

See Also



Available Trace Data (GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution)