Carrier Summary (Flex Frame)

The Carrier Summary trace displays measurement results in a per-carrier format.

Carrier Summary is a type of Matrix Table that provides sortable rows by column, selectable column visibility, and copy/paste and export functionality to share rows of content or complete tables to applications like email, text editing or spreadsheet programs.


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Carrier Center (Hz) Offset (Hz) Symbol Rate (Hz) EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format. (dB) Channel Power (dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer) Freq Error (Hz) Sym Clk Error (ppm) Mag Error (%) Phase Error (deg) BER Bit Error Ratio - A ratio of the number of errors to data bits received on a digital circuit. Bit Errors (bit) Bit Count (bit)

Carrier is the name of the component carrier (CCn).

Center is the absolute center frequency of the component carrier.

Offset is the frequency offset from the reference frequency.

Symbol Rate is the component carrier's symbol rate.

EVM is the RMS EVM of all allocations in the component carrier after demodulation.

The default unit is dB. Unchecking the Show EVM in dB parameter will show EVM as %rms.

Channel Power is the average channel power for the component carrier.

Freq Error is the frequency error for the component carrier.

Sym Clk Error is the magnitude error for the component carrier.

Mag Error is the symbol clock error for the component carrier.

Phase Error is the phase error for the component carrier.

BER is the component carrier's bit error rate over all allocations, expressed as a ratio and calculated as

BER = Bit Errors / Bit Count.

When you enable measurement averaging, the bit errors and bit counts will accumulate until the average is reset.

When no allocations are included in BER calculations, ‘***’ is shown.

Bit Errors is the detected bit errors over all allocations within the component carrier. Bit errors is used in the calculation of BER.

When you enable measurement averaging, the bit errors and bit counts will accumulate until the average is reset.

When no allocations are included in BER calculations, ‘***’ is shown.

Bit Count is the total bit count over all allocations within the component carrier. Bit count is used in the calculation of BER.

When you enable measurement averaging, the bit errors and bit counts will accumulate until the average is reset.

When no allocations are included in BER calculations, ‘***’ is shown.

See Also

Syms/Errs Table

Matrix Tables