User Color Map tab (Display Preferences)

From the User Color Map tab the user color map that is used for spectrograms and cumulative history traces can be set.

User Color Map parameters

Color... opens a color palette from which a color can be selected to replace the currently selected color in the Sample Map diagram.

Color Count specifies the number of colors in the user color map. If the number of colors in a user color map is reduced, the VSA discards colors from the top of the color map. For example, if a user map of 10 colors is set up, then change Color Count to 8, the VSA will discard the top two colors in the map and use the bottom eight colors.

The Color Count specified for a user color map is the number of colors that are in that map. If Color Count in the Spectrogram Properties dialog box is set to a number that is different from the color count specified here, the VSA uses the top and bottom colors and spreads the remaining colors evenly between the top and bottom.

Color Index selects a color in the map. Color index 0 is at the bottom of the map. A color in the map can be defined or changed after specifying the index of the color.

Copy From copies the entire user color map from another trace or restore the default user color map.

Sample Color shows the color assigned for the currently selected color index.

Sample Map shows the user color map. The currently selected color is indicated by horizontal marks on either side of the sample map.

For instructions on defining a new user color map, see Setting up a New User Color Map.

User Color Map is saved and recalled as part of the display preferences. The user color maps can also be saved and recalled individually.