Level and IF Level (Trigger)

The trigger Level can be set for these style of trigger signals:

The trigger level that can be entered depends on the style of trigger selected, as follows:

Trigger style

Level Parameter

Trigger Level Limits





± percentage of range

0 V  

IF Mag, Channel Mag, and Magnitude

IF Level

0.0 to + percentage of range 

0.01 V  

For information on triggering for specific measurement hardware, see Available Measurement Hardware for a link to your specific hardware.

Trigger parameters (including this one) affect the outcome of the time record capture from hardware when creating a recording as well as when making a measurement.

For the Trigger Style in the preceding table, the upper limit and lower limit for Channel trigger are a percentage of the input range and depend on the input measurement hardware being used. To determine the limit, set the range to a value that will exceed the limit. In this case, the VSA automatically sets the range to its limit.

The VSA remembers the values that are set for each trigger style . For example, set level to 10 mV for the IF Mag trigger and 2 V for Channel trigger. In this example, if the trigger style is IF Mag, the VSA uses 10 mV as the trigger level. If the trigger style is changed to Channel trigger, the VSA uses 2 V as the trigger level.

When the Display Ref Line checkbox is selected, the trigger level appears as a dotted line in the trace display for time data. In some cases, the trigger level is adjustable within the trace display by dragging the TRG LVL line to the desired voltage level. See Display Ref Line on Active Trace for more information.

If triggering is not behaving as expected, see Trigger Level and Delay Issues.

This trigger parameter is shared by measurements that share the same Analyzer Configuration. Changing this parameter for one shared measurement will change it for the other shared measurements.

See Also

Trigger Styles

Trigger Tab