Configuring Measurement Sweep Mode

The Sweep selection controls the sweeping operation of the VSA:

Continuous sweep

By default, the VSA performs consecutive sweeps without stopping. To initiate sweeping, click Restart. To pause and resume a measurement at any time, click Pause/Single.

Single sweep

When Control > Sweep is set to Single, the VSA will pause the measurement after completing a single sweep.

To perform another sweep, click Pause/Single.

When averaging is on, clicking Pause/Single performs a sweep and includes the results in the current average, regardless of the number of averages specified by the Count parameter (unless Repeat Averaging is enabled; see Pausing and Single-Stepping a Measurement for more details).

When you click Restart, the VSA resets averages, performs a single sweep, and pauses the measurement.

The measurement control buttons in the toolbar or in the Control menu only apply to the selected measurement. To start or pause multiple measurements, use the buttons on the Measurements dialog.

  See Also

Disconnecting from Measurement Hardware

Configuring Measurement Sweep Mode

Starting and Stopping a measurement

Configuring Multiple Measurements

Measurements Dialog Box