Module Name (Digital Input)

The 89600 VSA software can analyze data from modules configured by the Keysight Logic Analyzer application. Some Logic Analyzer configurations support multiple modules. The VSA can analyze data from only one module at a time, although the data may be further processed by multiple software tools.

Module Name contains the names of all the available modules from the currently selected Logic Analyzer. The drop-down list is refreshed each time the VSA is connected to the Logic Analyzer.

Module Name is applied to all channels and Digital Channel is ignored. Changing the Module Name for any channel will 1) apply the same module name to all channels, 2) set the Tool Name to “None“ for all channels, and 3) clear the Bus Name when the Bus Name is not valid for the newly selected module.

The default Module Name is the first module found that has a bus named "I," or else the first name listed.

See Also

About Digital Input Properties