Recall Demo (Save and Recall)
selects and starts one of the available signal demonstration files. The Demo file automatically configures the 89600 to measure the selected signal.
To start a demo signal measurement, click
navigate to and open the desired signal demo file (*.htm). The demo file recalls the instrument setup (measurement state), loads the recorded signal, and opens a signal Demo help file. The Demo help file is an HTML file that will open in a separate window and describes the recorded signal and VSA setup information.Available Demo Signals
A list of Demo Signals are located the Getting Started Book, Demo and Recorded Signals topic.
Demo files are stored on your hard drive in the Keysight 89600 VSA program install folder in the Help\Signals subdirectory:
%PROGRAMFILES%\Keysight\89600 Software <ReleaseVersion>\89600 VSA Software\Help\Signals
Starting the Demo Measurement
After the VSA has completed loading the recorded signal and opening the demo help file, start the demo measurement by clicking ) in the Control toolbar.
See Also