Save/Recall Setup (Save and Recall)

An 89600 VSA configuration includes measurement settings for one or more measurements, including the measurement type, range, frequency, trigger type, resolution bandwidth, and many other settings and parameters that, taken together, prepare the VSA to make a particular set of measurements.

To make it easy to replicate these settings, File > Save and File > Recall provide the ability to save and recall measurement setups. The VSA software also supports drag and drop functionality for setup files (.SETX) and recording files.

Measurement setups are saved in a file with the extension .SETX. In addition to recalling .SETX files, the 89600 VSA software can recall setups from older versions of the 89600 VSA with the extension .SET.

Measurement setup files saved by 89600 VSA software version 13 and newer (.SETX) cannot be recalled by earlier versions of the VSA.

When recalling older VSA measurement setup files (.SET), marker placement will not be preserved. The exception is that ACP Adjacent Channel Power: The power from a modulated communications channel that leaks into an adjacent channel. This leakage is usually specified as a ratio to the power in the main channel, but is sometimes an absolute power. and OBW Occupied bandwidth is closely related to channel power. It indicates how much frequency spectrum is covered by some given percentage (often 99%) of the total power of the modulated signal. markers will be restored correctly.

The measurement setup file includes the following information for each measurement:

The measurement state does NOT include recordings, math functions, data registers, or display preferences. These items can be saved and recalled separately. See About Save and Recall for more information.

Multiple Measurements & Analyzer Configurations

Information about the Analyzer Configuration used for each measurement is stored in the setup file. This information is used when recalling a multi-measurement setup as described below.

Same Analyzer Configuration: When all the measurements in the setup file link to the same Analyzer Configuration name, the VSA will ignore the name of the Analyzer Configuration in the setup file and link the recalled measurements to the Analyzer Configuration for the selected measurement at the time of recall.

Different Analyzer Configurations: When the measurements in the setup file link to different Analyzer Configuration names, the VSA will attempt to link the recalled measurements to the respective Analyzer Configurations defined in the setup file. Matching is done based only on Analyzer Configuration name.

When an Analyzer Configuration cannot be found in the list of currently defined Analyzer Configurations, an error dialog will be shown indicating the problem.

To resolve this error, create the missing Analyzer Configurations and recall the setup file again. The Analyzer Configurations you create need to have input channel configurations that are compatible with the corresponding Analyzer Configurations in the setup file for the setup to be properly recalled.

Recall Setup dialog

The Recall Setup dialog allows you to view the measurements that are contained in a setup file and their corresponding measurement types.

Append measurements to current setup

When this check box is selected, the measurements contained in the setup file will be added to the list of measurements currently configured in the VSA, instead of replacing them.

Also, when Append measurements to current setup is selected, the display layout contained in the setup file will not be recalled. Instead, the appended measurements' traces will be shown on existing No Data traces (if any) and new traces will be created as necessary. In addition, the traces in the window where the measurement's traces are placed will be Tiled.

The new traces will be created in the main VSA window or in a separate Trace Window depending on the setting of Create separate window per measurement.

Share with current measurement

This option is only available when recalling a single measurement and Append measurements to current setup is also selected.

When Share with current measurement is selected, the recalled measurement will be configured to share the same Analyzer Configuration that is linked to the selected measurement.

See Also

About Save and Recall