About Input Extensions (Input)

Menu Path: Input > Extensions

The Input Extensions tab is used to specify the measurement hardware input extension parameters. The Logical Instrument buttons are used to indicate and specify which logical instrument is the current active logical instrument. The number of Logical Instruments (hardware front-ends) is determined by the number of the Logical Instruments associated with the current measurement Analyzer Configuration. For multi-hardware analyzer configurations, you can specify the extension parameter differently for each logical instrument. The Preset All button is used to reset the measurement hardware to the default extension parameter settings across all logical instruments and channels.

Logical Instrument:

Specify which logical instrument is the current active logical instrument. The listed extension parameters represent the selected Logical Instrument.

Per Acquisition State:

When selected (true), the state for the input extensions is allowed to be different per acquisition when using sequential input channel acquisition.

Default: false.

Some input extensions may not support a value of true.

Parameter Coupling:

Specifies the behavior of the input extension state when using sequential input channels and Per Acquisition State is true.

Uncoupled - Parameters are uncoupled if possible.

Within Acquisition - Parameters are coupled within the same acquisition but not across acquisitions.

Across Acquisitions - Parameters are coupled across acquisitions but not within the same acquisition.

All - Parameters are coupled within an acquisition and across acquisitions (coupled across all).

Preset All:

Preset all input extension parameters across all logical instruments and channels.

Show All:

When selected, all of the input extension parameters for the selected hardware configuration are visible, including parameters that are not available due to uninstalled options, unsupported configurations, etc. Unavailable parameters are grayed out and not editable.

When not selected, only editable input extension parameters are visible.


The Misc expand box contains the list of hardware extension parameters for the selected Logical Instrument. The default preset settings are applied until changed.


For some connected hardware models (e.g., X-Series signal analyzers), there is a separate Range expand box containing range control-related parameters.

The 89600 VSA software supports a variety of Measurement hardware platforms. The available number and type of input extension parameters is determined by the measurement hardware model and options.

The measurement Analyzer Configuration is selected in the Configurations tab of the Hardware dialog box (Utilities > Hardware > Configurations). For multi-hardware analyzer configurations. use the Logical Instrument buttons to select the active measurement hardware input extensions. Each logical instrument in a multi-hardware analyzer configuration can be set individually to different extension parameter values.

Input extensions are different from VSA extensions. Input extensions are used to set hardware-specific parameters. VSA extensions are pieces of software that provide extra functionality and are detected and loaded into the VSA process at VSA startup.

The 89600 VSA provides an Extension Manager where you can select which VSA extensions are loaded when the VSA starts.

About Extension Parameters

A summary description of each selected parameter is shown at the bottom of the extensions dialog.

More detailed extension parameter descriptions is provided for each measurement hardware platform in the Measurement Hardware book. Go to the specific measurement hardware book and open the Input Extensions topic.

See Also

About Hardware

Measurement Hardware