Spectrogram Markers

Markers placed on spectrograms have a time component since spectrograms consist of multiple traces (scan lines), each taken at a different time.

Spectrogram markers can be selected in the Markers Position tab dialog box. To open the Position tab dialog box, click Markers > Position.

The following illustration shows a spectrogram display with a normal marker (Mkr 2), a delta marker (Mkr 1), and a fixed marker (Mkr 3). Normal and delta markers must be located on the current trace, which is specified by the Trace Select parameter. Fixed markers are not confined to any particular trace.

The measurement must be paused after acquiring the spectrogram to use the Trace Select feature.

Markers in spectrograms can also be enabled in the following ways:

See the Managing Markers topic for more information.

See Also

About Spectrograms (Spectrograms / 3D Map)

Trace Select (Markers)

Color tab (Display Preferences)

Marker Readouts

Show Marker