Event-Based Actions Dialog
Rules that perform Actions based on some Condition. A Condition may depend on one or more Data Sources.
allows you to defineEnable - Enables or disables the use of Event-Based Actions and Trend/Statistics.
Log Events - Enables or disables the logging of events that occur when Rules are defined and the Enable Event-Based Actions checkbox is selected. You can view logged events by selecting Window > Event Log.
Rules - A collection of user-defined, event-based actions. Click the button and select either Always Run Actions or Threshold based on your needs, then select an event type from the list that appears next to the button.
Always Run Actions - After every measurement, all actions for the rule are run, regardless.
Threshold - Select Threshold if you want to control whether the actions are run based on a numerical threshold.
When recalling a setx, existing rules will be cleared and replaced with the rules stored in the setup file. Preset All will also clear all rules.
Status Indicators
- One or more of the rule's elements (Data Sources or Actions) has an error and is not valid. The rule will not run until the error is resolved. Hover over the indicator to see a full list of errors and warnings with specific status messages.
- One or more of the rule's elements has a warning, indicating a potential problem or unexpected behavior. The rule will still run if it can.
- All of the rule's elements are valid and have no errors or warnings.
Name - Enter a unique name for the rule.
Enabled - Enables or disables the rule. There may be multiple configured rules, but only the enabled rules will be evaluated.
Data Sources - Add one or more data source for the current rule. Click the
button and select a data source from the list that appears to the right of the button. A Data Source can be any output of a measurement.
Status Indicators
- The Data Source has an error and is not valid. The rule will not run until the error is resolved. Hover over the indicator to see a specific status message.
- The Data Source has a warning, indicating a potential problem or unexpected behavior. The rule will still run if it can.
- The Data Source is valid and has no errors.
Metadata: allows you to trend the value of a data header key. You can select an existing trace or you can choose a DataName (without needing to show it in a trace).
This Data Source is helpful if you want to trend any of the Graph trace results (such as Delay or DeltaEVM), which are accessible through data header keys in the Graph trace.
Name - Enter a unique name for the data source.
Trace - Selects the trace that contains the header key to be used as the data source. When the Trace checkbox is selected, the Data Name parameter is grayed out and the Data name is derived from trace's currently selected trace type.
Data Name - Selects a data name (trace type) without having to display the data in a trace. Each data name contains a set of data headers.
Data Header Key - Specifies a data header key, which is an attribute of the selected Data Name. The data header value is used as the data source for the event-based action.
Display Units - Selects the display units.
Trace Marker: allows you to select a marker on a trace to be a data source for an action. Note that you cannot use markers from traces whose data is comes from a Trace Marker data source (e.g., you can’t trend a marker on a trace that is the trend line for another marker).
Name - Enter a unique name for the data source.
Trace - Select the trace that contains the marker to be used for the data source.
Marker - Specifies a marker on the selected trace.
Result Type - Specifies what result from the marker should be used as the value of the Data Source. Possible result types are: Y Position, Y Delta, Y Average (over Z-axis), X Position (Axis), X Position (Data), X Delta (Data), Z Position, Band Power).
Table Value: a value from a summary table is used as the data source.
Name - Enter a unique name for the data source.
Data Name - Selects the data name for the data source. Currently, only summary table traces (e.g., Frame Summary, Syms/Errs, etc.) can be used as valid Summary Value Data Sources. The available summary tables depend on the current measurement type.
Summary Name - Selects a summary name (data result) within the selected Data Name (summary table).
Condition - This is where the controls for a condition will appear.
Configure the condition to compare with the configured Data Sources in the rule. If the condition is satisfied, the configured Actions will occur.
For rules that are the Always run Actions type, there are no conditions. Enabled actions are always performed after every measurement.
For rules that are the Threshold type, a summary table value is compared with a threshold and applies an action when the condition is satisfied.
Operator and Threshold Value (two threshold values if you choose the ≤ Value ≤ operator) - Selects the operator (<, >, =, !=, etc.) and threshold value to compare with the selected Summary Value.
Precision - Sets the precision with which to make numerical comparisons between the thresholds and the value from the Data Source.
Default: 1E-6
Example: if Precision = 1.0, Threshold Value = 10.0, and Operator is “=”, a value in the range of [9.0, 11.0] will satisfy the condition.
Absolute Value - Compare using the absolute value of the selected data source value.
Actions - One or more actions for the current rule. Click the
button and select an action from the list that appears to the right of the button.
Status Indicators
- The Action has an error and is not valid. The rule will not run until the error is resolved. Hover over the indicator to see a specific status message.
- The Action has a warning, indicating a potential problem or unexpected behavior. The rule will still run if it can.
- The Action is valid and has no errors.
Trend/Statistics: Takes the values produced by supported Data Sources (Table Value, Trace Marker, Metadata Value) and creates a separate trend line and histogram for each one.
In the Trace > Data menu, the results that depend on a trace (e.g., Trace Marker Trend Line) are shown in a subcategory for the trace. The results that are not in a Trace category are for measurement results (e.g., from a Summary Value, which doesn't need a trace to exist).
See Trend Line Traces and Histogram Traces for more information.
The EBA trend line x-axis times are the same definition as the Event Log Offset column.
Name - Enter a unique name for this action. The name field makes it easier to remember what the action does without reading all the settings.
Enabled - Enables or disables the action. There may be multiple configured actions in the rule, but only the enabled actions will be performed when the condition is satisfied.
Common Trend Line Settings - The Common Trend Line Settings are common for all Trend and Statistics actions defined in the Event Based Actions dialog.
Remove Mean - When enabled (checked), all Trend and Histogram trace results will be reported after first removing the accumulated Trend and Histogram statistical data set for the mean value computation. Remove Mean is computed based on the samples in the trend line (ignoring the time between points).
Remove Slope - When enabled (checked), all Trend and Histogram trace results will be reported after first removing the accumulated Trend and Histogram statistical data set for the first order linear slope best-fit computation. Remove Slope is computed based on the samples in the trend line (ignoring the time between points).
Remove Second Order - When enabled (checked), all Trend and Histogram trace results will be reported after first removing the accumulated Trend and Histogram statistical data set for the second order curve best-fit computation. Remove Second Order is computed based on the samples in the trend line (ignoring the time between points).
X-Axis Unit -Specifies either Seconds or Samples as the x-axis unit. Select Samples when the sequence is more important than the absolute time between points.
When the X-Axis Unit is set to Seconds, the Mean/Slope/Second order are still computed as if the x-axis is Samples.
Display Length - Specifies the number of points displayed within Trend trace results. If the available data exceeds Display Length points, the most recent “Display Length” amount of points are displayed, resulting in a scrolling trend display. If available data is less than display length, the available data is shown at the left of the trace and the remaining point's values are set to the first data point’s value.
Buffer Length - Specifies the maximum number of points used for Trend/Histogram/Cumulative Results data gathering and analysis. If the available data exceeds the Internal Buffer Length points, the most recent “Internal Buffer Length” points are retained and used for Trend/Histogram/Cumulative Results data gathering and analysis.
Run Macro: Pauses the measurement and runs the specified macro when the condition is satisfied. From your macro, you need to run WaitForMeasurementDone before doing anything else.
Name - Enter a unique name for this action. The name field makes it easier to remember what the action does without reading all the settings.
Enabled - Enables or disables the action. There may be multiple configured actions in the rule, but only the enabled actions will be performed when the condition is satisfied.
Macro Name - Selects the macro to run from the list of available macros. See the Macros help section for information on creating macros.
Measurement Control: Performs the selected operation on one or more measurements when the condition is satisfied.
Name - Enter a unique name for this action. The name field makes it easier to remember what the action does without reading all the settings.
Enabled - Enables or disables the action. There may be multiple configured actions in the rule, but only the enabled actions will be performed when the condition is satisfied.
Operation - Selects an operation to perform when the condition is satisfied.
Pause: Pauses the Affected Measurements. This is currently the only available measurement control operation.
Affected Measurements - Selects the measurements to which the operation will be performed.
All Measurements: The operation is applied to all running measurements.
Data Source Measurements: The operation is applied to only the measurements that correspond to the Data Sources contained by the Rule.
See Also