Y Per Division / Y Ratio (Y Scale)

The name of this parameter changes between Y Per Division and Y Ratio, depending on the Y-axis format. For Log Mag (lin), the parameter is Y Ratio. For all other formats, the parameter is Y Per division.

Y Per Division defines the spacing between vertical divisions (denoted by graticule lines when Show Grid Lines is enabled). Increase Y Per Division to show more data in the trace grid (and reduce the resolution); decrease Y Per Division to show less data in the trace grid (and increase the resolution).

Y Per Division can be changes by clicking that hotspot in the trace window.

Y Ratio is used for the Log Mag(lin) trace format the ratio of top of the trace grid to the bottom of the grid (ratio of Y Top to Y Bottom). For example, if CCDF is displayed with a Y Top of 100% and a Y Bottom of 1%, the Y Ratio is 100.

See Also

Y Scale Tab