Obtaining a Trial License
To obtain a trial license, follow these steps:
- Obtain the license Host ID (Model Number, Serial Number) from the PC that you installed the VSA software on.
- Launch the PathWave License Manager. Within the VSA software, click Utilities > Licenses > Status > PathWave License Manager..., or from the Windows desktop, click Start > Keysight PathWave License Manager > Keysight PathWave License Manager.
Copy the Keysight Host ID at the top of the Add License tab.
For Measurement Hardware (instruments), the Keysight Host IDs consist of an Keysight instrument model number and serial number. On a desktop or laptop PC, the default model number is PCSERNO.
- Go to the Keysight 89601B VSA website at www.keysight.com/find/89601B, select the Software & Trials tab, then follow the instructions to obtain a trial license.
- You will need to provide contact information.
- The requested Host ID is from the PathWave License Manager in step 1 above. If you are accessing the website from the same PC that the VSA software was installed on, you can simply copy and paste the Host ID into the website form.
- You will only be granted one trial license per Host ID.
- After you finish using the Keysight Software Licensing website, check your email for your license file, then go to Installing a Trial License.
See Also