Macros Dialog

Clicking Utilities > Macros displays the Macros dialog, which lets you create, edit, import, export, or delete macros. The dialog box lists all available macros.

(Build and) Run

Runs the selected macro.

When the macro needs to be built, this button reads Build and Run. When the macro is being built, this button changes to a progress bar that shows the build progress. Any errors or warnings that are encountered during the build process are shown in a message dialog. See Running a Macro for more information

To explicitly build the macro solution, click the dropdown part of the (Build and) Run button and select Build.


Stops the selected macro. See Stopping a Macro for more information.


Opens the Code Editor for the selected macro.

If you have Visual Studio installed, you can also open the macro in Visual Studio by clicking the drop-down part of the button and selecting Using Visual Studio.


Renames the macro.

The macro folder, solution name, and project name must all match for the macro to be detected properly by the 89600 VSA software.


Deletes the selected macro directory.



Imports the selected macro into the VSA. The VSA software comes with a variety of supplied example macros, or you can import a user-created macro. See Importing and Exporting Macros for more information.


Saves a copy of the selected macro to the specified directory. See Importing and Exporting Macros for more information.



Selects the programming language to create new or recorded macros with. Available selections are C# and VB.


Creates a new macro with the name you specify. See Creating a Macro for more information.


Lets you create a macro by capturing the operations you perform while configuring the 89600 VSA. See Recording Macros for more information.

You can also view the corresponding lines of code as you change VSA parameters when you enable code output in the Output window.


Show on Toolbar

When enabled, a macro button is added for the selected macro on the main VSA toolbar. You can enable any imported/created macro (in the Name column) to show on the Toolbar.

Macro Toolbar buttons are persistent, and will be shown on the VSA Toolbar until Show on Toolbar is disabled for the selected macro.


Double-click this field to edit the name that will appear on the Toolbar button when Show on Toolbar is enabled for the selected macro. The default title is the same as the macro name.




Selects the programming language to create new or recorded macros with. Available selections are C# and VB.


Creates a new macro with the name you specify. See Creating a Macro for more information.


Lets you create a macro by capturing the operations you perform while configuring the 89600 VSA. See Recording Macros for more information.

You can also view the corresponding lines of code as you change VSA parameters when you enable code output in the Output window.

See Also

About Macros

Creating a Macro

Importing and Exporting Macros

Supplied Macros