Packet Avg RBW (MB-OFDM)
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tabMB-OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.)
5MHz (See88KHz to 100MHz
The Low | Mid | High Band Packet Spectrum traces. The default value of 5MHz RBW Resolution Band Width (RBW or ResBW): specifies the minimum frequency bandwith that two separate frequency spectra can be resolved and viewed seperately. For FFT (digital) based VSA's the process is equivalent to passing a time-domain signal through a bank of bandpass filters, whose center frequencies correspond to the frequencies of the FFT bins. For a traditional swept-tuned (non-digital) spectrum analyzer, the resolution bandwidth is the bandwidth of the IF filter which determines the selectivity. is the standard for the Spectral Mask and Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR Adjacent Channel Power Ratio - A measurement of the amount of interference, or power, in the adjacent frequency channel. ACPR is usually defined as the ratio of the average power in the adjacent frequency channel (or offset) to the average power in the transmitted frequency channel. ACPR is a critical measurement for CDMA transmitters and their components. It describes the amount of distortion generated due to nonlinearities in RF components. The ACPR measurement is not part of the cdmaOne standard.) tests.
(Packet Average Resolution Bandwidth) determines the resolution bandwidth setting used for theSee Also
Lengths, Intervals, and Offsets (MB-OFDM)