Symbol Gate Length (MB-OFDM)

Default: 160 clocks (See MB-OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Range:  128 - 165 clocks

Symbol Gate Length determines the length of the symbol gate for each symbol in a particular band thus defining the end of the time gate relative to the end of the 128 IFFT samples of that symbol. This is an alternative to the Post-Symbol Time entry for test specification where the starting point varies but the symbol gate length needs to remain constant. When the Symbol Gate Length is set, changing the Pre-Symbol Time will change the Post-Symbol Time in order to leave the Symbol Gate Length the same. Changing the Post-Symbol Time will change the Symbol Gate Length, and vice versa, keeping the Pre-Symbol Time constant. See Pre-Symbol Time and Post-Symbol Time for more information.

See Also

Packet Tab (MB-OFDM Demod Properties)

Pre-Symbol Time (MB-OFDM)

Post-Symbol Time (MB-OFDM)