Composite Include (NB-IoT)

Composite Include contains a list of check boxes that determine which channels and signals are shown on traces and included in the EVM and EVM Pk data results on the Error Summary trace.

When a channel is selected, the channel is shown on the applicable traces (like IQ Meas, Error Vector Time, and RMS Error Vector Spectrum, etc.) in the color defined in the Frame Summary trace and is included in EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format..

Below is a list of channels.




When selected, unused subcarriers are shown on applicable traces, such as IQ Meas and Error Vector Time.

Non-alloc signals consist of unused subcarriers in all shared and control channels. This includes unallocated user data subcarriers, the DC subcarrier In an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) signal, the subcarrier whose frequency would be equal to the RF center frequency of the station. in downlink, and unused NPSS and NSSS subcarriers. See the Non-alloc parameter topic for more information.

The Non-alloc entry on the Frame Summary trace includes inactive subcarriers. It does not include E-UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access: A W-CDMA standard developed ETSI, ARIB and the TIA. This system uses DSSS and either FDD or TDD depending on its frequency assignment and application. PDCCH and C-RS when Operation Mode is In-band. However, when the Non-alloc checkbox is selected, C-RS and PDCCH are shown on traces in white instead of the gray that represents Non-alloc. They are not included in EVM calculations in Frame Summary or Error Summary.

Include All

Include All includes all listed channels in the measurement. See the Include All topic for more information.

Exclude All

Exclude All removes all listed channels from the measurement. See the Exclude All topic for more information.

Edit Control Parameters

Edit Control Parameters opens a DL Down Link (forward link: from base station to cell phone) Channel Parameters dialog for setting physical channel power boost levels and Subframe Channel Assignments. See the Edit Control Parameters topic for more information.

See Also

Profile Tab

NB-IoT Demod Properties Dialog Box