About Frame Summary (NB-IoT)

The Frame Summary trace shows the EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format., power, modulation format and number of resource blocks occupied for the channels and signals that are present in the Measurement Interval.

Downlink control channel and signal parameters are specified in the Downlink Control Channel Properties dialog.

Frame Summary shows information for only the data in the Measurement Interval.

Channel EVM(%rms) Power (dB) Mod. Fmt. Num. RB/Num. SymGrp*



EVM is the RMS value of error vector magnitudes for the channel.

The Report EVM in dB parameter affects the units of this data result.

Non-alloc EVM is normalized with respect to the entire NB-IoT signal's average power per subcarrier, since dividing by the reference vector's magnitude (0 in this case) would cause the result to be undefined.

Power is the per-subcarrier power received at the reference measurement channel, averaged over all the subcarriers belonging to the physical channel.

Non-alloc does not show a power value because the power value is normally zero, and even small values would result in a very large negative dB value.

Mod. Fmt. is the modulation format of the channel.

The modulation format for Non-alloc signals is not shown.

When a channel contains more than one modulation format, Mod. Fmt. will show "Mixed" for that channel.

Num. RB shows the number of resource blocks (1 RB x 1 slot) within the Measurement Interval that contain subcarriers belonging to the channel.

Num. RB is not shown for Non-alloc signals.

When Averaging is enabled, Num. RB shows the total number of resource blocks included in the average for each channel.

* Num. SymGrp in uplink when NPRACH analysis is enabled.

Querying summary table data results programmatically

To programmatically query the Trace Summary Table data results using the Summary() and SummaryUnit() methods in the MeasurementData object.

See the How To Query Summary Table Data Results topic for more information.

Syntax: app.Display.Traces.SelectedItem.DataName = "Demod Frame Summary1";

The indexes of the Frame Summary data values change depending on the uplink/downlink setting and RB Auto Detect settings, as well as which channels are enabled in the Profile tab of the NB-IoT demodulation properties dialog box. Instead of using hardcoded indexes to retrieve the data values, you can use a data result name to query the data value.

The data result names for this summary table are a concatenation of a channel/signal name with the name of a measurement.


To find the EVM of user 02's downlink data signal, you would query the data result named "NPDSCHUser02" + "EVM" = "NPDSCHUser02EVM"

Uplink Channels/Signals

Channel/Signal Name



Autodetected Primary Uplink Shared Channels (when RB Auto Detect Mode is set to Power Based)
NPUSCH<name> Primary Uplink Shared Channel user allocations (where <name> is the name of the user allocation)
Inactive Non-Alloc signals

Downlink Channels/Signals

Channel/Signal Name


NPSS Primary Synchronization Signal
NSSS Secondary Synchronization Signal
NPBCH Physical Broadcast Channel
NPDCCH Physical Downlink Control Channel
NRS Downlink Cell-specific Reference Signal
NPRS Positioning Reference Signal


Autodetected Primary Downlink Shared Channels (when RB Auto Detect Mode is set to Power Based)
NPDSCH<name> Primary Downlink Shared Channel user allocations (where <name> is the name of the user allocation)
Inactive Non-Alloc signals
Available Measurements

Measurement Name



Error Vector Magnitude (%rms)

Power Power of the channel/signal (unitless - ratio in dB of the channel/signal power to the average data subcarrier power)
ModFmt Modulation format
NumRb/NumSymGrp* Number of resource blocks containing the channel

* NumSymGrp in uplink when NPRACH analysis is enabled.

See Also

About Error Summary

About Symbol Table

Available Summary Tables