Analysis Start Boundary (NB-IoT)

Default: Frame

Range: Frame, Half-Frame, Subframe, Slot, Two Frames

Analysis Start Boundary specifies the alignment boundary of the Result Length time data. To ensure that this alignment can be achieved, the total amount of data acquired by the VSA is at least the Result Length plus the length of the alignment boundary specified by Analysis Start Boundary. For example, when Analysis Start Boundary is set to Half-Frame, the total acquisition is at least Result Length + 10 slots (and the data available for analysis would start at a Half-Frame boundary). The minimum capture length is 3.1 frames, except when N-TM = True or Auto, in which case the minimum capture length is 8.1 frames.

For uplink, there is no Analysis Start Boundary parameter visible. When analyzing NPUSCH, the start boundary is the beginning of the frame containing the NPUSCH burst. For NPRACH, the start boundary is the beginning of the NPRACH burst.

Once the Result Length data is located within the time capture, Measurement Offset and Measurement Interval determine what part of the Result Length data is to be analyzed. The Measurement Interval data is shown on the Time trace. See image below for more information.

See Also

Time Tab

Trigger Present

Measurement Offset

Measurement Interval

Search Time trace 

Time trace