Time Tab (NB-IoT)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > NB-IoT Demod Properties... > Time tab

The Time tab of the NB-IoT Demod Properties dialog box lets you access the signal capture configuration parameters. You use these parameters to isolate a portion of the time record (captured input signal) for further viewing and data analysis.

The Time tab lets you configure these parameters (click on the parameter name for further information):



The Timing diagram at the bottom of the time tab shows the location of the Measurement Interval within the time capture. The Measurement Interval is the part of the time capture that is shown in traces and used for calculating most metrics.

The length of the time capture is primarily determined by Result Length and Analysis Start Boundary. See the Result Length topic for more information.

The image below shows the relation between the various Time tab settings and the time traces. You can click a title to navigate to the corresponding topic.

See Also

Advanced Tab

Decode Tab

Format Tab

Profile Tab

NB-IoT Demod Properties Dialog Box