Analysis Start Boundary (5G NR/5G-Advanced)

Default: Frame

Choices: Frame, Half-frame, Subframe

Analysis Start Boundary determines what boundary to search for within the Search Time trace. The length of the Search Time trace is determined according to Acquisition Mode. This property along with Result Length, Acquisition Mode and Configuration affects the amount of acquired data required for a measurement.

Frame - Analysis begins at a frame boundary. If Frame is selected, the VSA will search through the Search Time data for a frame boundary.

Half-frame - Analysis begins at a half-frame boundary. If Half-Frame is selected, the VSA will search through the Search Time data for a half-frame boundary.

Subframe - Analysis begins at a subframe boundary. If Subframe is selected, the VSA will search through the Search Time data for a subframe boundary. This choice along with Result Length, Acquisition Mode and Configuration affects the amount of data acquired.

Slot - Analysis begins at a slot boundary. If Slot is selected, the VSA will search through the Search Time data for a slot boundary. This choice along with Result Length, Acquisition Mode and Configuration affects the amount of data acquired.

First Slot Index - When Slot trigger is present is selected as the Acquisition Mode, this parameter sets the slot index (relative to the start of the frame) of the first slot in the captured data.

Default: 0

For consistent subframe offset measurement-to-measurement for Half-frame and Subframe selections, a trigger must be configured.

Analysis Start Boundary will be disabled if SSBlock is enabled with a Periodicity > 10 ms.

See Also

Time Tab

Search Time trace 

Time trace