Analysis Region (Pre-5G)

The Analysis Region parameter group controls the subframe configuration for the analyzed signal.

Result Length, along with Analysis Start Boundary and Signal Radio Frame Interval, determines the amount of data acquired.

Range: 0 subframe - (depends on System Timing settings)

Default: 25

Meas Offset sets the subframe and symbol offset, relative to Analysis Start Boundary. Valid selections will depend on the frame definition, the Result Length, and the Synchronization Type. This measurement assumes the radio frame start corresponds to a subframe offset of zero.

Range: 0 subframes 0 symbols- (depends on Result Length)

Default: 0

Meas Interval sets the measurement interval in subframes and symbols, relative to Analysis Start Boundary. Valid selections will depend on the frame definition, the Result Length, and the Synchronization Type. This measurement assumes the radio frame start corresponds to a subframe offset of zero.

Range: 0 subframes 0 symbols - (depends on Result Length)

Default: 0

See Also

Time Tab

Analysis Start Boundary

Radio Frame Length