Analysis Start Boundary (Pre-5G)

Default: Frame

Range: Frame, Half-frame, Subframe

The analyzer always attempts to align the measured signal with the start of a frame boundary. This setting modifies the search algorithm used by the analyzer. If Frame is selected, the analyzer assumes an arbitrary trigger location, and will search through a full radio frame for synchronization. If Half-frame is selected, the analyzer will search through half a radio frame for synchronization. If Subframe is selected, the analyzer will search through one subframe for synchronization. This choice along with Result Length and Signal Radio Frame affects the amount of data acquired.

An external frame trigger is required for the Half-frame and Subframe selections.

Frame - Analysis begins at a frame boundary.

Half-frame - Analysis begins at a half-frame boundary.

Subframe - Analysis begins at a subframe boundary.

See Also

Time Tab

Search Time trace 

Time trace