About Keysight Switches with 89600 VSA Software

The 89600 VSA software supports the following Keysight switch models:

Summary table of supported Keysight switches:

  Model Number of Ports Expandable to 64 Ports*

Reference Path
(for Offset Calculations)

Switch Dimensions

  L8990A-016 32 Y N 1x32
  L8990A-01A 32 Y Y 2x32
  L8990A-01H 32 N n/a


*with L8990A-01H switch used as an expansion module.

Using a Switch

The VSA software supports switching hardware and Sequential Input Channel Acquisition for measurements that require more input channels than the signal analysis hardware can support.

  1. Select a switch configuration to use your connected switch hardware (see Selecting a Switch).
  2. Use the Sequential Input Configuration utility (Utilities > Custom Solutions > Sequential Input Config...) to create a custom input channel configuration based on your selected switch configuration, number of DUT Device under Test: An acronym used to describe some type of electrical apparatus connected to test instrumentation. The apparatus can range from a single component to a complex subsystem such as a mobile phone, base station or MSC. channels, number of analyzer channels, sequential phase/time tracking, and other settings.

See Also

Available Measurement Hardware

Making Massive MIMO Measurements