Selecting a Switch

Menu Path: Utilities > Hardware > Switch

Switch hardware connectivity is currently a BETA feature.

There are three types of VSA hardware configurations: input measurement front-end hardware "Analyzer Configuration" (see Measurement Platforms Overview), signal source hardware "Source Configuration" (Signal Source Overview) and switch hardware "Switch Configuration." The VSA software supports switching hardware and Sequential Input Channel Acquisition for measurements that require more input channels than the signal analysis hardware can support.

Switch Configurations

To select a switch configuration, click Utilities > Hardware > Switch and select from the list of available configurations.

Hovering the cursor over the configuration name (for example, Switch1) opens a tool tip that provides the configuration logical instrument information.


The Hardware Configurations dialog is used to manage all the analyzer, source and switch configuration operations. Use the Hardware dialog to add, edit, and delete hardware configurations.

Missing Hardware Configurations

An existing known Analyzer, Source or Switch Configuration will be missing, not shown in the Hardware dialog Configurations tab when the VSA loses hardware IO interface connectivity (VSA-Hardware interface connection failure). This can occur when the VSA to Hardware I/O Connection cables have been disconnected or the instrument power is switched off. To re-discover a known missing hardware configuration, try the following:

  1. Make sure that the hardware has the correct IO address.
  2. Make sure that the interconnect cables are properly attached.
  3. Make sure that the hardware is switched ON.
  4. Use the VSA Instrument Manager or run the Connection Expert in the Keysight IO Libraries Suite to make sure that the VSA Hardware IO interface is correctly configured and valid. For more information see the Software Installation Guide.
  5. Refresh the VSA-Hardware IO connection and adding the hardware to the Discovered Instruments list by clicking the Hardware Discovery tab "Refresh" button.

See Also

Selecting Hardware

About Hardware