Normalize IQ Traces (RFID)

Default: Selected (See RFID Standard Setups/Presets Table)

Selecting the Normalize IQ Traces check box turns on normalization; clearing the check box turns off normalization.

Normalization is always applied to most ASK and OOK modulation measurements regardless of the setting of the Normalize IQ Traces check box.

ASK Meas Time with CW is not normalized.

When normalization is on, the VSA normalizes or scales the demodulated trace data results to a nominal value of 1. Normalization is performed on these traces:

How Normalization Works with ASK

For ASK, normalization scales the demodulated data as follows:

ASK Trace


ASK Measured Time


ASK Reference Time


Carrier Magnitude Error

rms magnitude

ASK Error Time


How Normalization Affects the Trace Measurement Units

For most configurations, the measurement data determines the units of the normalized trace. With normalization on, the y-axis units (for rectangular traces) or polar units (for polar traces) become unitless or are converted to a percentage. If the Log Mag trace format is selected, the units are decibels.

See Also

IQ Normalize (Digital Demodulation)

Advanced Tab (RFID Demod Properties)