Preset to Standard (RFID)

Default: EPC Global Class-1 Generation-2 UFH (ISO 18000-6 Type-C) (See RFID Standard Setups/Presets Table)

Range: EPC Global Class-1 Generation-2 UFH (ISO 18000-6 Type-C)
ISO 18000-4 Mode-1 (Beta)
ISO 18000-6 Type-A (Beta)
ISO 18000-6 Type-B (Beta)
ISO 18092
ISO 14443 Type-A
ISO 14443 Type-B
ISO 15693

To see a listing of the settings for each of these protocols, see Using Standard Setups/Presets.

After selecting the RFID demodulator, specify a specific RFID protocol. The demodulator protocol configuration parameters can be manually specified or a standard setup can be selected and then the settings modified to your needs. The Preset to Standard button configures the RFID demodulation software to one of several settings designed to properly demodulate a specific RFID protocol. 

See Also

Setting Up a RFID Measurement

Using Standard Setups(RFID)

Format Tab (RFID Demod Properties)