Hex Bits (RFID)

The Hex Bits trace shows the hexadecimal version of the Demod Bits trace. Special symbols in the Demod Bits trace, such as Start-of-Frame, End-of-Frame, Delimiter, and so on, are ignored when creating the Hex Bits trace.

Conversion to hexadecimal is done MSB-first or LSB-first depending on the setting of the Symbol Table Bit Order parameter in Trace > Digital Demod tab > Symbol Table Bit Order box.

When Symbol Table Bit Order is set to Auto, hexadecimal conversions are done MSB-first or LSB-first according to the following table:

RFID Standard

Default Bit Order

ISO 14443A LSB-first
ISO 14443B LSB-first
ISO 15693 LSB-first
ISO 18092 106 kbps LSB-first
ISO 18092 212 kbps and 424 kbps MSB-first
EPCglobal Class1 Gen2 MSB-first
ISO 18000-4 MSB-first
ISO 18000-6 Type A MSB-first
ISO 18000-6 Type B MSB-first
No standard specified MSB-first

See Also

Bits (RFID)