Mirror Frequency Spectrum (TD-SCDMA)

Default:Cleared (See TD-SCDMA Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Mirror Frequency Spectrum correctly demodulates frequency spectrums that are mirrored (flipped) about the center frequency. The default frequency spectrum is not mirrored. This parameter does not change the displayed spectrum trace data.

Cleared: Does not mirror the frequency spectrum.

Selected: Mirrors the frequency spectrum about the VSA center frequency.

Mirror Frequency Spectrum configures the VSA's demodulator to conjugate the complex time-domain waveform. This has the effect of flipping the spectrum around the VSA's center frequency. This feature is useful when the TD SCDMA signal is inverted or flipped due to an IF down conversion.

The spectrum data display does not change with this parameter. To mirror the display, clear the Mirror Frequency Spectrum check box and click MeasSetup > Frequency tab > Mirror Frequency check box.


External Down Converter

When using an external down converter, specify the User Correction Spectrum "Normal" parameter and make sure the "Mirror Spectrum" parameter is not selected (Input > User Correction > Spectrum > "Normal") and use the Mirror Frequency parameter in the MeasSetup Frequency dialog box instead (MeasSetup > Frequency > Mirror Frequency).

See Also

Advanced Tab (TD-SCDMA Demod Properties)

TD-SCDMA Demod Properties Dialog Box

Mirror Frequency (Meas Setup)