Inst Spectrum (TD-SCDMA)

Inst Spectrum (Instantaneous Spectrum) trace data is the same as the Spectrum trace except that the Inst Spectrum trace is not affected by averaging and always displays the spectrum of the current timeslot.

To obtain an averaged spectrum, use the Spectrum trace data (TD-SCDMA).

Since the windowing (unless it is Uniform) has the effect of emphasizing some parts of the time record more than others, the contributions of the different timeslots to this spectrum will vary. They will even vary from measurement to measurement if the time is not synchronized to the TD-SCDMA sub-frames, as in a non-triggered measurement. Therefore, amplitude readings from this trace should not be depended upon for absolute accuracy. For more accurate spectral measurements of an individual timeslot, use the Analysis Spec (and Inst Analysis Spec).

See Also

VSA Concepts (Windowing and FFTing)

Channel 1 Trace Data

Trace Data (TD-SCDMA)