Search Length (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC)

 Default: Refer to DSSS/CCK/PBCC Preset to Standard table 

Search Length specifies the length of time to acquire the input signal (in seconds). This defines the length of time that the pulse search is performed.

The VSA searches within the specified Search Length and demodulates the first complete pulse (or burst). The pulse can occur anywhere within the search length. Pulses beyond the first complete pulse are disregarded and are not demodulated. In order for the pulse search algorithm to detect a pulse edge, the pulse must be at least 15 dB above the noise floor. The resultant pulse is then demodulated.


Longer pulse lengths increase the measurement time but make it more likely that a pulse will be acquired. If a pulse is not found, a "PULSE NOT FOUND" status message will be displayed.

Even if no pulse is found, the VSA will attempt to demodulate starting at the beginning of the Search Length. If a PLCP Physical layer convergence protocol Preamble Sync pattern is found near the start of the search length, the demodulation will be correct.

See Also

About Measurement Interval and Offset

Time Tab (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC)