Channel/Layer Tab (1xEV-DO)

The Channel/Layer tab of the 1xEV-DO Demod Properties dialog box provides the parameters to select specific code layers and code channels for the Despread Channel and CDP Layer trace data results.

Despread Channel parameters: Despread Channel parameters specify the code channel and layer used for the reverse link direction channel trace data results including: Chan Error Vector, Chan IQ Meas Time, Chan IQ Ref Time, Chan Mag Error, Chan Phase Error and Chan Syms/Errs trace data:

CDP Layer parameters: CDP Layer parameters are used to specify the active (displayed) code domain layer for the Code Domain Power (CDP) Layer and Code Domain Error (CDE) Layer trace data. The selected Analysis Channel and Direction limits the available CDP Layers (see About CDP trace data).

Active Channel Detection parameters: These parameters specify how the active code channels are determined for a measurement (see Active Channel Detection):

See Also

Advanced tab (1xEV-DO Demod Properties)

Format tab (1xEV-DO Demod Properties)

Time tab (1xEV-DO Demod Properties)

1xEV-DO Demod Properties dialog box