Measurement Offset (1xEV-DO)

Default: 0 slot (See 1xEV-DO Standard Setups/Presets Table.) 

Measurement Offset sets the number of measurement offsets in increments of half (0.5) slots. Measurement Offset determines the start position of the Measurement Interval with respect to the first slot within the Result Length. One slot is equal to 2048 chips or 1.667 ms long at the default chip rate.

Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset parameters are used to specify what segment of the Result Length data is used for data analysis, see About Measurement Interval and Offset.

See Also

Measurement Interval (1xEV-DO)

Result Length (1xEV-DO)

About Measurement Interval and Offset

Time Tab (1xEV-DO Demod Properties)

1xEV-DO Demod Properties