The Rules and Syntax of SCPI

Most of the commands used for controlling instruments on the GPIB are SCPI commands. The following sections will help you learn to use SCPI commands in your programs.

Branches on the Command Tree

All major functions on the analyzer are assigned keywords which are called ROOT commands.  Under these root commands are branches that contain one or more keywords. The branching continues until each analyzer function is assigned to a branch. A root command and the branches below it is sometimes known as a subsystem.

For example, under CALCulate are several branch commands.

Sometimes the same keyword, such as STATE, is used in several branches of the command tree. To keep track of the current branch, the analyzer's command parser uses the following rules:

Note: You can omit the leading colon if the command is the first of a new program line. For example, the following two commands are equivalent:



Command and Query

A SCPI command can be an Event command, Query command (a command that asks the analyzer for information), or both. The following are descriptions and examples of each form of command. GPIB Command Finder lists every SCPI command that is recognized by the analyzer, and its form.



Event commands - cause an action to occur inside the analyzer.


Query commands - query only; there is no associated analyzer state to set.


Command and query - set or query an analyzer setting. The query form appends a question mark (?) to the set form

:FORMat:DATA ! Command
:FORMat:DATA? ! Query

Multiple Commands

You can send multiple commands within a single program message. By separating the commands with semicolons the current path does not change. The following examples show three methods to send two commands:

  1. Two program messages:


  1. One long message. A colon follows the semicolon that separates the two commands causing the command parser to reset to the root of the command tree. As a result, the next command is only valid if it includes the entire keyword path from the root of the tree:


  1. One short message. The command parser keeps track of the position in the command tree. Therefore, you can simplify your program messages by including only the keyword at the same level in the command tree.


Common Commands and SCPI Commands

You can send Common commands and SCPI commands together in the same message. (For more information on these types of commands see GP-IB Fundamentals.) As in sending multiple SCPI commands, you must separate them with a semicolon.

Example of Common command and SCPI commands together


Command Abbreviation

Each command has a long form and an abbreviated short form. The syntax used in this Help system use uppercase characters to identify the short form of a particular keyword. The remainder of the keyword is lower case to complete the long form.

SENS - Short form
SENSE - Long form

Either the complete short form or complete long form must be used for each keyword. However, the keywords used to make a complete SCPI command can be a combination of short form and long form.

The following is unacceptable - The first three keywords use neither short or long form.

SOURc:Powe:Atten:Auto on

The following is acceptable - All keywords are either short form or long form.


In addition, the analyzer accepts lowercase and uppercase characters as equivalent as shown in the following equivalent commands:

source:POW:att:auto ON
Source:Pow:Att:Auto on

Optional [Bracketed] Keywords

You can omit some keywords without changing the effect of the command. These optional, or default, keywords are used in many subsystems and are identified by brackets in syntax diagrams.

Example of Optional Keywords

The SENSe keyword is always optional. Therefore, both of the following commands are equivalent:


:BWID 1e3

The syntax in this Help system looks like this:


Vertical Bars | Pipes

Vertical bars, or "pipes", can be read as "or". They are sometimes used in syntax diagrams to separate alternative parameter options.

Example of Vertical Bars:

SOURce:POWer:ATTenuation:AUTO <on|off>

Either ON or OFF is a valid parameter option.

 MIN and MAX Parameters

The special form parameters "MINimum" and "MAXimum" can be used with commands that specify single frequency (Hz) and time (seconds) as noted in the command documentation. Note: Also with these commands, kHZ, MHz, and GHz are accepted as suffixes/units.

The short form (min) and long form (minimum) of these two keywords are equivalent.

For example, the following command sets the start frequency to the smallest value that is currently possible:


In addition, the max and min values can also be queried for these commands.

For example, the following command returns the smallest value that Start Frequency can currently be set to:


An error will be returned if a numeric parameter is sent that exceeds the MAX and MIN values.

For example, the following command will return an "Out of range" error message.


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