Spectrum and Spectrogram Graph - Recording and Playback

This topic contains the following:

See also, Monitor Graph - Spectrum, Spectrogram, and Cross Domain and TDoA Icons - Save as PNG, Zoom, and Reset Axis.

Choosing a Monitoring Session to Record and the Record Display


Record and Start Record Buttons

Choose a Record time and a Record interval

Graph drop-down with Spectrum shown and traces displayed in a stack.


Graph drop-down with Spectrogram shown and traces displayed in a stack.

Spectrum Monitoring - Playback Display

This topic contains the following:

See also, Monitor Graph - Spectrum, Spectrogram, and Cross Domain and Spectrum and Spectrogram Graph - Recording.

Overview of Spectrum Monitoring Playback Display (Spectrogram is Similar)

Choose a Spectrum Monitoring Session to Playback

  1. Choose a session(s) that has been recorded and click to play

  2. After you click on a session the Play and Next buttons becomes active ( and ).

  3. After you click on a session the click the Play button ().

  4. Optional: 

Spectrum Monitoring - Playback Displays


Playback, Prev, Next, and Goto Buttons