Continuity Check

Continuity Check helps to ensure that connections to the DUT are secure. Select the parameters that you want to check, and click Criteria to enter the Pass/Fail criteria to which the MEAN value of each parameter will be compared. These settings can be saved, and later recalled for use in subsequent measurements.

How to do a Continuity Check

Click Utilities then Continuity Check

Continuity Check also appears by default during a VNA Cal and a Differential Crosstalk TRL Cal.

Connect DUT  dialog

This dialog allows you to test the connection of the DUT before making a measurement.  This is useful when using a probe station to make connections.

Reflection, Transmission, Customize   Check each box to list the parameters that are available for testing to the specified criteria. Click each parameter (in the highlighted area above) to select for testing. The BOLD parameters are selected.

Pass/Fail indicator (Green box in red ring above).

The MEAN value of each parameter trace is compared to the Min and Max criteria.

  • Green = All selected parameters pass the specified criteria.

  • Red = One or more selected parameters FAIL the specified criteria.

  • Failed parameters are highlighted in yellow.

Criteria   Click to launch the Continuity Check Criteria dialog.

Trigger Checking  

  • Continuous - measurements are made continuously while the selected parameters are tested.

  • Single - one measurement is made when the Single button is pressed and the selected parameters are tested.

Turn off calibration   Check to turn off calibration to increase speed and save time.


Click Next> when the DUT is connected to your satisfaction.


Continuity Check Criteria dialog

This dialog is used to establish the Pass/Fail criteria for the Continuity Check.

Note: The MEAN value of each parameter trace, not each data point, is compared to the Min and Max criteria.

Select   Choose an existing criteria. If only 'default' exists, click New to create new criteria settings.

New  Click to launch the Input New Name dialog. Type a name for the new criteria settings.  The name of the settings in the above image is "Reflection".

Delete  Removes the selected Criteria settings.

Rename  Allows you to rename the selected Criteria through the Input New Name dialog.

Save  Click to save the current settings to the selected Criteria.

OK  Close the dialog.