



























12-Term Error Correction See Error Correction, 12-Term.

1-Port Device A device with a single connector or path to the device's circuitry. Examples include an oscillator and a load.

2-Port Calibration, Full See Error Correction, 12-Term.

2-Port Device A device with two connectors or other paths to the device's circuitry. Examples include filters, SAW devices, attenuators, matching pads, and amplifiers.

3-Term Error Correction See Error Correction, 3-Term.


Active Channel The highlighted channel affected by front panel functions.

Active Function Readout The area of a display screen where the active function and its state are displayed. The active function is the one that was completed by the last key selection or remote programming command.

Active Marker The marker on a trace that can be repositioned either by front panel controls or by programming commands.

Active Trace A trace that is being swept (updated) with incoming signal information.

ADC Analog to Digital Converter

Address The identification (represented by a name, label, or number) for a register, location in storage, or any other data source or destination. Examples are the location of a station in a communications network, or a device on the GP-IB.

ADM Add-Drop Multiplexer

Admittance (Y) The inverse of an impedance (i.e. the ratio of current to voltage). Complex admittances take the form Y = G + jB(t).

ALC Automatic Level Control. See Automatic Gain Control.

AM Amplitude Modulation

AM Group Delay A technique for the measurement of group delay through a device which utilizes an amplitude modulated (AM) source. Note: The actual delay of the modulation envelope is measured directly with an external scalar detector. Devices that distort the amplitude of a signal cannot be measured. These include amplifiers with automatic gain control (AGC) and devices subject to saturation or power limiting.

Amplitude Modulation The process, or result of the process, of varying the amplitude of a carrier signal. The resulting modulated carrier contains information that can be recovered by demodulation. See also Modulation.

Analog The general class of devices or circuits in which the output varies as a continuous function of the input.

Annotation The labeling of specific information on the display (such as frequency or power).

ANSI American National Standards Institute: A national membership organization (open to manufacturers, organizations, users, and communications carriers) that approves standards, accredits standards development groups and certificate programs, and represents and coordinates US interests in non-treaty and non-government standards bodies.

Aperture The frequency span of the network analyzer used for calculating group delay. The narrower the aperture, the finer the resolution of the group delay variations, but noise is reduced by increasing the aperture.

Array A set of numbers or characters that represents any given function.

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Attenuation Denotes a reduction in signal amplitude. The difference between transmitted and received power due to loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels.

Attenuator An RF or microwave device used to reduce the power level of a signal by precise, incremental amounts over its entire frequency range.

Automatic Calibration System AutoCal: Feature offered on Rohde&Schwarz network analyzers.

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) A circuit used in amplifiers and other active devices to keep its RF power level constant as other parameters change, such as frequency. Synonym: Automatic Leveling Control (ALC)

Autoscale An analyzer feature that evaluates waveforms and adjusts controls to stable and enhance the display.

AUX Auxiliary; refers to rear-panel input connector.

Averaging A noise reduction technique that computes each data point based on consecutive sweeps and weighted by a user-specified averaging factor. Each new sweep is averaged into the trace until the total number of sweeps is equal to the averaging factor.


B/R The ratio of data sampled at B to the data sampled at R.

Band Pass A range of frequencies that are passed through a device, such as a filter. Frequencies not within the band pass are limited or attenuated. See also Cutoff Frequency.

Bandwidth (BW) The difference between the frequencies of a continuous frequency band within which performance of a device falls within specifications.

Bandwidth Limit The condition prevailing when the system bandwidth is exceeded and signal distortion occurs beyond specifications.

Bandwidth Selectivity A measure of a filter's ability to resolve signals unequal in amplitude. It is the ratio of the 60 dB bandwidth to the 3 dB bandwidth for a given resolution filter (IF). Bandwidth selectivity tells us how steep the filter skirts are. Bandwidth selectivity is sometimes called shape factor.

Binary A method of representing numbers in a scale of two (on or off, high-level or low-level, one or zero). A compact, fast format used to transfer information to and from the analyzer.

BMP Bit-Mapped

Brightness See Color Brightness.

Broadband Device A device that operates over a very wide frequency range and exhibits only small variations in response over that range.

Buffer A storage device used when transmitting information to compensate for a difference in the rate of flow of information between two devices.

Burst Carrier A carrier that is periodically turned off and on. A burst carrier may or may not be modulated.

BUS Basic Utility System

Bus One or more conductors used as a path to deliver transmitted information from any of several sources to any of several destinations.

BW Bandwidth

Byte Eight bits of data representing one character processed as a unit.


CAD Computer Aided Design

CAE Computer Aided Engineering

Calibration In HP instrumentation, the process of periodically (usually annually) verifying an instrument is performing to specifications. A calibration certificate is awarded after verification.

In network analyzers, the process of removing systematic errors from measurements. See Error Correction.

Calibration Kit Hardware and software required to perform error correction on a network analyzer for a specific measurement and/or test set.

Calibration, 2-Port See Error Correction,12-Term.

Calibration, Blackburn Calibrations of transmission path with corrected source match involving 15 calibration terms. Synonym: 15-term error correction

Calibration, Frequency Response The simplest error correction procedure to perform, but only corrects for a few of the twelve possible systematic error terms. Frequency response corrections can be made for reflection measurements, transmission measurements, and isolation measurements.

Calibration, Interpolation A user selectable network analyzer feature that calculates (interpolates) new error correction terms from existing terms when there is a change in network analyzer parameters, such as IF bandwidth, power, or sweep time. The resulting error correction is not as accurate as completing a full 2-port calibration.

Calibration, Port Extension See Port Extension.

Calibration, Reference Plane See Reference Plane.

Calibration, Set Z Sets the system impedance, usually 50 or 75 ohms.

Calibration, SOLT A calibration using four known standards: Short-Open-Load-Through. Also known as a full two-port calibration and 12-term error correction. See also Error Correction.

Calibration, TRL and LRM A calibration used in environments where the DUT cannot be connected directly to the network analyzer ports, (MMIC, microstrip, beam-lead diodes etc.). Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) and M (Match) standards are fabricated and used because known high-quality standards are not readily available. The requirements for characterizing these standards are less stringent, but the calibration is not as accurate as the traditional full two-port calibration using S-O-L-T standards. The terms are used interchangeably (TRL, LRL, LRM etc.) but they all refer to the same basic calibration method.

Characteristic Impedance The impedance looking into the end of an infinitely long lossless transmission line.

Color Brightness A measure of the intensity (brightness) of a color.

Command A set of instructions that are translated into instrument actions. The actions are usually made up of individual steps that together can execute an operation.

Continuous Sweep Mode The analyzer condition where traces are automatically updated each time trigger conditions are met.

Controller A device capable of specifying the talker and listeners for an information transfer. An external computer connected to an instrument to control its operation.

Corrected Measurements made after performing error correction.

Coupler See Directional Coupler.

CPU Central Processing Unit

Crosstalk The occurrence of a signal at one port of a device being affected by a signal in any other path. Isolation is the measurement of crosstalk.

Cursor An electronically generated pointer that moves across the display to manipulate controls.

Cutoff Frequency In filters, the frequency at which attenuation is 3dB below the band pass signal level, known as the 3dB points.

CW Continuous wave: A single frequency (rather than a swept frequency).


DAC Digital to Analog Converter

dB Decibel: a relative unit of measure. The ratio in dB is given by: 10 log10 (P1/P2) where P1 and P2 are the measured powers. The dB is preferred instead of arithmetic ratios or percentages because when components are connected in series, their effect on power, expressed in dB, may be arithmetically added and subtracted. For example, if a 3dB attenuator is connected to a 10dB amplifier, the net gain of the two components is (-3dB + 10dB = +7dB).

dBm Absolute unit of measure in decibels: 0dBm = 1 mW. The conventions of the dB (adding and subtracting) continue to apply.

DBMS Database Management System

DC Direct Current

Default A known set of conditions used in the absence of user-defined conditions.

Delay See Group Delay.

Demodulation The process of recovering from a modulated carrier, information in the form of a signal having essentially the same characteristics as the original modulating signal. Recovery of the modulating signal accomplished by signal detection.

Detection The process of demodulating signal carriers. There are two basic ways of providing signal detection in network analyzers: Diode detectors (used in broadband applications) and heterodyning, (used in narrowband applications).

Detector, Diode A device used to convert a RF signal to a proportional DC level. If the signal is amplitude modulated, the diode strips the RF carrier signal from the modulation. Many sources used with scalar analyzers are amplitude modulated with a 27.778 kHz signal and then detected in the network analyzer. Phase information on the signal carrier is lost in diode detection.

Deviation from Linear Phase Linear phase refers to the nature of the phase shift of a signal through a device. The phase is linear if a plot of phase shift versus frequency is a straight line using linear scales. Deviation from linear phase causes signal distortion.

Digital Pertaining to the class of devices or circuits in which the output varies in discrete steps.

Digital Demodulation Describes a technique of extracting the information used to modulate a signal. Digital signal processing algorithms are used on the signal after it has been converted from an analog to a digital form (digitized).

Dimension To specify the size of an array. The number of array rows or columns.

Directivity In a 3-port directional coupler, the ratio of the power present at the auxiliary port when the signal is traveling in the forward direction to the power present at the auxiliary port when the same signal is traveling in the reverse direction.

Directional Coupler A 3-port device typically used for separately sampling the backward (reflected) wave in a transmission line.

Disk A circular, magnetic storage medium.

Display Noun: See Screen.

Verb: To show annotation and measurement data on the display.

Display Detector Mode The manner in which analog, video information is processed prior to being digitized and stored in memory.

Display Dynamic Accuracy The amplitude uncertainty, usually in dB, over the display dynamic range.

Display Dynamic Range The amplitude range, in dB, over which the display dynamic accuracy applies.

Display Formats Graphical formats for displaying measurement data. These include single channel, overlay (multiple traces on one graticule), split (each trace on separate graticules).

Display Modes The ways in which measurement data can be presented graphically. On a network analyzer, the choices are Cartesian/rectilinear (XY plot with log or linear magnitude, phase, group delay, SWR, real and imaginary, and dBV, dBmV and dBuV), polar (magnitude and angle), magnitude and phase, and Smith chart. Not all display modes are available on all network analyzers. In addition, displays can present this information in various combinations of traces. Common modes are dual, (the ability to display more than one trace, usually over the same frequency range), and alternate, (the ability to display more than one trace, each with different frequency range and type).

Display Phase Dynamic Accuracy The phase measurement uncertainty, usually in degrees, for measurements whose units are in degrees.

Display Points The total number of measurement points made in a single measurement. The points can be in units of frequency, power, or time. The number of points often dictates measurement speed, resolution, and aperture.

Display Trace Noise, Magnitude The amplitude uncertainty of the trace, in dB, due to random noise in the test system.

Display Trace Noise, Phase The phase uncertainty of the trace, in degrees, due to random noise in the test system.

Display Type The type of display screen built into the analyzer. Data can be displayed as a raster drawing (a computer-like dot map) or as a vector drawing (lines drawn on the display). Color and display standard can also be specified as monochrome (single color), or color (two or more colors). The format standard may also be specified, such as VGA or SVGA, for IBM-compatible personal computers.

Distortion Deterioration of a signal's quality due to the nonlinear characteristics of a device or system transfer function. Distortion is measured as a combination of the changes in amplitude, frequency and phase of signal at the output of a device or system as compared to the signal at the input.

Drift The slow change in signal frequency.

DSP Digital Signal Processing

DUT Device Under Test

DVM Digital Volt Meter

Dynamic Range In a receiver, the range of signal levels, from minimum to maximum, that can be reliably measured simultaneously. Dynamic range allows small signals to be measured in the presence of large signals. Source power and receiver compression usually limits the maximum boundary to dynamic range. Receiver residual responses and noise floor usually limit the minimum power boundary.


ECal See Electronic Calibration.

Electrical Delay A simulated variable length of lossless transmission line, added to or subtracted from a receiver input, to compensate for interconnecting cables. The firmware equivalent of mechanical or analog "line stretchers" in other network analyzers.

Electronic Calibration (ECal) A calibration system for electronic calibration of RF and microwave vector network analyzers. The electronic calibration system creates a twelve-term, two-port error model and then provides a confidence check of the calibration. The Ecal system consists of a repeatable, variable-impedance, solid-state calibration standard and a mainframe control unit which interfaces with the 8510, 8720 series, and the 8753 network analyzers or a USB module which interfaces with the PNA series network analyzers.

EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility

EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference: Unintentional interfering signals generated within or external to electronic equipment. Typical sources could be power-line transients, noise from switching-type power supplies and/or spurious radiation from oscillators. EMI is suppressed with power-line filtering, shielding, etc.

Engage To activate a function.

Enter The process of inputting information.

EPROM Electronically Programmable, Read-Only Memory

Error Correction In network analyzers, a process that removes or reduces systematic (repeatable) measurement errors by measuring known standards from a calibration kit. Synonym: measurement calibration

Error Correction, 3-Term Used to remove systematic measurement errors on a device with one port, such as a load.

Error Correction, 12-Term Correction for a two port device using six parameters:
Source match
Load match
Reflection frequency response
Transmission frequency response

To completely characterize a two-port device, these six parameters must be characterized in the forward and reverse directions, making a total of 12 terms. The user usually has the option of omitting isolation from the correction process. Synonym: Full two-port error correction

Error Correction, 1-Port Corrects a test set for port 1 or port 2 directivity, frequency response, and source match errors. The process requires three known standard terminations, for example, open, short, and load.

Error Message A message on a display that indicates an error condition. Missing or failed hardware, improper user operation, or other conditions that require additional attention can cause an error condition. Generally, the requested action or operation cannot be completed until the condition is resolved.

ESD Electro Static Discharge

Ethernet A network that adheres to the IEEE 802.3 Local Area Network standard.

Ethernet address A hexadecimal number which is used to identify a machine on a network. Each analyzer is assigned a unique Ethernet address at the factory and it is stored in the analyzer's ROM.

External trigger signal A TTL signal that is input to an analyzer and initiates a measurement sweep or similar event, making the measurements synchronous with the external triggering source.


Filter A passive device that allows some frequencies to pass and attenuates others, depending on the type and specifications. A high-pass filter passes frequencies above the cutoff frequency, a low-pass filter passes frequencies below the cutoff frequency, and a band-pass filter passes frequencies between two specific frequencies.

Firmware An assembly made up of hardware and instruction code. The hardware and instruction code is integrated and forms a functional set that cannot be altered during normal operation. The instruction code, permanently installed in the circuitry of the instrument, is classified as ROM (read only memory). The firmware determines the operating characteristics of the instrument or equipment.

Flatness The amplitude and phase response of a device under test (DUT), a signal source, a receiver, or a combination of these. See also Frequency Response.

FM Frequency Modulation

Frequency The number of periodic oscillations, vibrations, or waves per unit of time, usually expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).

Frequency Accuracy The uncertainty with which the frequency of a signal or spectral component is indicated, either in an absolute sense or relative to another signal or spectral component. Absolute and relative frequency accuracies are specified independently.

Frequency Range The range of frequencies over which a device or instrument performance is specified.

Frequency Resolution The ability of a network analyzer to measure device characteristics at closely spaced frequencies and display them separately. Resolution of equal amplitude responses is determined by IF bandwidth. Resolution of unequal amplitude responses is determined by IF bandwidth and bandwidth selectivity.

Frequency Response The peak-to-peak variation in the displayed amplitude response over a specified center frequency range. Frequency response is typically specified in terms of dB, relative to the value midway between the extremes.

Frequency Span The magnitude of the displayed frequency component. Span is represented by the horizontal axis of the display. Generally, frequency span is given as the total span across the full display. Some analyzers represent frequency span (scan width) as a per-division value.

Frequency Stability The ability of a frequency component to remain unchanged in frequency or amplitude over short and long-term periods of time. Stability refers to an oscillator's ability to remain fixed at a particular frequency over time.

Front Panel Key Keys that are located on the front panel of an instrument. The key labels identify the function the key activities. Numeric keys and step keys are two examples of front panel keys.

Full 2-Port Calibration See Error Correction, 12-Term.

Function The action or purpose that a specific item is intended to perform or serve. The network analyzer contains functions that can be executed via front panel key selections, or through programming commands. The characteristics of these functions are determined by the firmware in the instrument. In some cases, a DLP (downloadable program) execution of a function allows you to execute the function from front panel key selections.

Fundamental Frequency In any waveform, the lowest frequency component; all other components are harmonics. A pure sinusoid has only one component, the fundamental.


Gb Gigabit

GB Gigabyte

GHz Gigahertz

GIF Graphics Interchange Format - Standard graphic format to store bitmapped graphics files.

Giga Prefix for one billion.

GP I/0 General Purpose Input / Output; a connector usually on the back of an instrument that allows communication with other test equipment, external test sets, switches, and computers that enable the instrument to be triggered or to trigger external equipment. An example is a foot switch that continues or cycles a measurement, allowing the operator to use both hands on the test hardware.

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus - IEEE 488 bus is interconnect bus and protocol, allows linking of instruments and computer.

Graticule (or Grid) Enclosed area where waveform is displayed on instrument. Tick marks, on frame or axis, are a scaling aid for making visual measurements.

Group Delay A measure of the transit time of a signal through a DUT versus frequency. Group delay can be calculated by differentiating the DUT's insertion-phase response with respect to frequency. See also AM Group Delay and Deviation from Linear Phase.

GUI Graphical User Interface


Hardcopy Paper copy of data.

Hardkey A front-panel key, which engages a single analyzer function or presents a single menu of softkeys.

Horizontal Reference See Reference Level.

Horizontal Resolution The analyzer's ability to take closely spaced horizontal data points over the full sweep.

Host Computer A computer or device on a network that provides end users with services such as computation and database access and that usually performs network control functions.

Host Name A unique name that is used to identify each host machine on a network. The host name is directly linked to, and can usually be used in place of, the IP address. The user or the system administrator usually creates the host name.

HP Hewlett-Packard Company

HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language

HP-IB Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus. A parallel interface that allows "daisy chaining" of more than one device to a port on a computer or instrument. Interface protocol is defined in IEEE 488.2; equivalent to the industry standard GPIB.

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol: Used to carry World Wide Web (WWW) traffic.

Hue The dimension of color referred to a scale of perceptions ranging from red through yellow, green, and blue, and back to red. A particular gradation of color, tint, shade.


I/O Input/Output

I/O Path Input/Output Path

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IF Intermediate Frequency: the frequency at which a signal is processed after mixing.

Impedance The ratio of voltage to current at a port of a circuit, expressed in ohms.

Initialize The process that assigns information locations to a disk to prepare the magnetic media to accept files.

Input A path intended for putting a signal into an instrument.

Most network analyzers have either 3 (labeled A, B, and R) or 4 inputs (labeled A, B, R1, and R2). Inputs are not the same as channels.

Input Attenuator An attenuator between the input connector and the first mixer of a spectrum analyzer (also called an RF attenuator). The input attenuator is used to adjust the signal level incident to the first mixer, and to prevent gain compression due to high-level or broadband signals. It is also used to set the dynamic range by controlling the degree of internally-generated distortion. For some analyzers, changing the input attenuator settings changes the vertical position of the signal on the display, which then changes the reference level accordingly. In Keysight microprocessor-controlled analyzers, the IF gain is changed to compensate for changes in input attenuator settings. Because of this, the signals remain stationary on the display, and the reference level is not changed.

Insertion Loss The difference between the power measured before and after the insertion of a device. The attenuation between the input and output of a device.

Intensity Brightness; emitting or reflecting light; luminosity.

Interface A connection that allows a common communication link between two or more instruments.

Intermodulation Distortion Undesired frequency components resulting from the interaction of two or more spectral components passing through a device having nonlinear behavior, such as a mixer or an amplifier. The undesired components are related to the fundamental components by sums and differences of the fundamentals and various harmonics. The algorithm is: f1 ±f2, 2xf1 ±f2, 2xf2±f1, 3xf1 ±2x f2, and so on.

Internet The connection of two or more distinct networks. Often a gateway or router is used to make the connection.

Interpolate To determine a value of a signal between to adjacent points by a procedure or algorithm.

IP Internet Protocol

IP Address Internet protocol address: a unique number that is assigned to each device which is to be connected to a TCP/IP network. Before using an analyzer on a network, your network administrator will need to assign an IP address. An IP address consists of a 32-bit value presented in decimal dot notation: 4 octets (bytes) separated by a dot.

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: A standard digital service capability that features one or more circuit-switched communication channels capable of carrying digital voice, data, or image signals, a packet-switched channel for out-of-band signaling and control. In addition, ISDN provides a collection of standard and optional features that support information productivity for the user, providing higher-speed Internet access than analog systems.

ISO International Standards Organization

Isolation A specification or measure of the immunity that one signal has to being affected by another adjacent signal. The occurrence is known as crosstalk.

Isolator An RF device used for providing isolation between paths and components. Made from a 3-port circulator, the third port being terminated in a 50ohm load.



Kilo Prefix for one thousand.

KB Kilobyte

Kb/s Kilobytes per second


LAN Local Area Network

LANS Local Area Network System

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

LIF Logical Interchange Format (used for older HP disk drives/computers)

Limit Lines Lines input by the user that overlay the analyzer's measurement data to allow automatic detection of data that is out of the acceptable range. Pass/Fail annotation, audio alarms, or electronic output can be triggered to notify the operator or on-line computer program of the over-limit condition.

Limit-Line File The user-memory file that contains the limit-line table entries.

Limit-Line Table The line segments of a limit line are stored in the limit-line table. The table can be recalled to edit the line segments, then restored in the limit-line file.

Linear Device A device in which the output is continuously proportional to the input.

LO Local Oscillator. In a superheterodyne system, the LO is mixed with the received signal to produce a sum or difference equal to the intermediate frequency (IF) of the receiver.

LO Feedthrough The response that in a superheterodyne system when the first local oscillator frequency is equal to the first IF.

Load A one port microwave device used to terminate a path in its characteristic impedance.

Load Match A measure of how close the device's terminating load impedance is to the ideal transmission line impedance. Match is usually measured as return loss or standing wave ratio (SWR) of the load.

Local Lock Out A condition or command that prevents analyzer front-panel entries (and disables the Local key).

Local Operation To operate manually from the front panel.

Log Logarithm

Log Display The display mode in which vertical deflection is a logarithmic function of the input signal amplitude. Log display is also called logarithmic display. The display calibration is set by selecting the value of the reference level position and scale factor in dB per division.

LRM Line-Reflect-Match. See Calibration, TRL, and LRM.


Magnitude The amplitude of a signal measured in its characteristic impedance without regard to phase. See also Scalar.

Marker A graphical symbol along a display trace that is annotated with measurement characteristics of that specific data point.

Marker Functions Mathematical or statistical computation on the data of one or more markers to provide the operator more information. For example, the marker delta function calculates and displays the difference between two markers.

Maximum Input Level The maximum signal power that may be safely applied to the input of an analyzer. The maximum input level is typically 1 W (+30 dBm) for Keysight spectrum analyzers.

MB Megabyte

Measurement Uncertainty The quantified amount of error in a measurement situation. Calibrations are intended to reduce the amount of uncertainty. The following are sources of measurement errors that lead to uncertainty:

Mega Prefix for one million.

Memory A storage medium, device, or recording medium into which data can be stored and held until some later time, and from which the entire original data may be retrieved.

Memory Card A small memory device shaped like a credit card that can store data or programs.

Menu The analyzer functions that appear on the display and are selected by pressing front panel keys. These selections may invoke a series of other related functions that establish groups called menus.

MHz Megahertz

milli Prefix for one-thousandth.

Modem Modulator/Demodulator

Modulation The process, or the result of the process, of varying a characteristic of a carrier signal with an information-bearing signal, causing the carrier to contain the information. See AM and FM.

Monitor Any external display.

Monochrome Having only one color (chromaticity).

ms Millisecond

mW Milliwatt: one thousandth of a watt

Multisync A type of monitor that can synchronize its horizontal sweep to various frequencies within a specified range.


Narrowband In network analysis, the frequency resolution of the analyzer's receiver that is sufficiently narrow to resolve the magnitude and phase characteristics of narrowband devices. The reduced receiver bandwidth usually decreases the noise floor of the receiver, providing more measurement amplitude range.

Narrowband Device A device whose transfer characteristics are intended to operate over a very narrow frequency range and are designed to provide well-defined amplitude responses in that range, such as a band pass filter.

Network Analysis The characterization of a device, circuit, or system derived by comparing a signal input going into the device to a signal or signals coming out from the device.

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nit The unit of luminance (photometric brightness) equal to one candela per square meter.

Noise Random variations of unwanted or disturbing energy in a communications system from man-made and natural sources that affects or distorts the information carried by the signal. See also Signal-to-Noise Ratio.

Noise Figure (F): For a two-port device, a measure of how the noise generated inside the device degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal passing through the device at 290 degrees, usually expressed in dB.

Noise Floor The analyzer's internal displayed noise. The noise level often limits how small a signal magnitude can be measured. In network analysis, noise floor is measured with the test ports terminated in loads, full two-port error correction, 10 Hz IF bandwidth, maximum test port power, and no averaging during the test.

Non-Insertable Devices In measurement calibration, a device that cannot be substituted for a Zero-Length Through Path. It has the same type and sex connectors on each port, or a different type of connector on each port.

Nonvolatile Memory Memory data that is retained in the absence of an ac power source. This memory is typically retained with a battery. Refer also to battery-backed RAM.

Normalize To subtract one trace from another to eliminate calibration data errors or to obtain relative information.


Offset To move or set off a determined amount. Used in instruments for offsetting frequencies, limits, delay, loss, impedance, etc.

Output Attenuation The ability to attenuate the signal, the source, in order to control its power level.


PC Personal Computer

PDF Portable Document Format (used on the Web)

Parser, Command Reads program messages from the input queue of a device in the order they were received from the controller. The parser determines what actions the analyzer should take. One of the most important functions of the command parser is to determine the position of a program message in the analyzer SCPI command tree. When the command parser is reset, the next element it receives is expected to arise from the base of the analyzer command tree.

Peak Search A function on an analyzer that searches for the largest response and places a marker on it.

Phase The fractional part of a cycle through which an oscillation has advanced, measured from an arbitrary starting point; usually measured in radians or degrees. In network analysis, the phase response of the device under test is the change in phase as a function of frequency between the input stimulus and the measured response.

Port The physical input or output connection of an instrument or device.

Port Extension Redefining the reference plane to other than that established at calibration. A new reference plane is defined in seconds of delay from the test set port.

Positive Peak The maximum, instantaneous value of an incoming signal.

Postscript (.ps files) Stores bitmapped graphics files in an encapsulated format for direct use by postscript printers.

Power, Max Input The upper limit to input power for which the specifications apply. Some specifications may have different levels of maximum inputs. For example, compression power maximum is usually higher than the harmonic distortion maximum.

Power, Safe Input The input power, usually in dBm, allowed without damaging the instrument.

Preset A pre-defined instrument state (that also runs an analyzer self-test). The action of pushing the Preset key.

Protocol A set of conventions that specify how information will be formatted and transmitted on a network, and how machines on a network will communicate.


Q or Q Factor The ratio of energy stored to energy lost in a resonant circuit. High Q indicates a sharp resonance response over frequency.

Query Any analyzer programming command having the distinct function of returning a response. These commands may end with a question mark (?). Queried commands return information to the computer.


r + jx Expression for complex impedance, where r represents the resistive portion and x represents the reactive portion.

R Channel Reference Channel

RAM Random Access Memory, or read-write memory: A storage area allowing access to any of its storage locations. Data can be written to or retrieved from RAM, but data storage is only temporary. When the power is removed, the information disappears. User-generated information appearing on a display is RAM data.

ROM Read Only Memory: A storage area that can be read only; it cannot be written to or altered by the user. In instruments, the storage area that contains the "brains" or operational programming; the firmware.

Receiver A circuit or system designed for the reception and/or measurement of signals in a specified frequency spectrum.

Receiver Dynamic Range See Dynamic Range.

Reference Level An instrument function that allows the user to set the amplitude value at the reference position. On network analyzers, the reference position is also selectable. On some spectrum analyzers, the reference position is fixed at the top of the display.

Reference Plane The electrical location at which a network analyzer assumes the system connectors and fixturing ends and the DUT begins. The reference plane is set by using calibration standards with known electrical length. The closer the reference plane is to the device under test (DUT), the better the characterization of the device because of the elimination of test system uncertainties.

Reference Receiver  In a network analyzer, the receiver that measures signals as they come out of the source, before they are incident on the test port and DUT. Typically, these signals are used to compare with the signal at the Test Port Receiver, to determine the affect that the DUT has on the signal. In a 2-port network analyzer, these are typically named 'R1' (port 1) and 'R2' (port 2). See a block diagram of the receivers in your PNA.

Reflection The phenomenon in which a traveling wave strikes a discontinuity and returns to the original medium.

Reflection Coefficient The ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident voltage into a transmission line or circuit. If a transmission line is terminated in its characteristic impedance, the reflection coefficient is zero. If the line is shorted or open the coefficient is 1. See also Return Loss and SWR.

Reflection Measurements Measurements that characterize the input and /or output behavior of the device under test (DUT). Measured as the ratio of the reflected signal to the incident signal as a function of frequency. Parameters are called return loss, reflection coefficient, impedance, and standing wave ratio (SWR), all as a function of frequency. See also S-Parameters.

Remote A mode of operation where another device (or computer) controls an instrument via the HP-IB. In this mode, the instrument front panel keys are disabled. Front panel operation is called local operation.

Remote Programming The automatic operation of an instrument by a computer, usually through a HP-IB, LAN, or RS-232 link.

Resolution The ability of a receiver to resolve two signals.

Resolution Bandwidth The ability of a spectrum analyzer to display adjacent responses discretely (Hertz, Hertz decibel down). This term is used to identify the width of the resolution bandwidth filter of a spectrum analyzer at some level below the minimum insertion loss point (maximum deflection' point on the display). Typically, it is the 3 dB resolution bandwidth that is specified, but in some cases the 6 dB resolution bandwidth is specified.

Return Loss The amount of dB that the reflected signal is below the incident signal. If zero signal is reflected, the impedance of the device is equal to the characteristic impedance of the transmission system, and return loss is infinite. If the entire incident signal is reflected, the return loss is zero. See also S-Parameters, Reflection Coefficient, and SWR.

Reverse Measurement The measurement of a device from output to input.

RF Radio Frequency (from approximately 50 kHz to approximately 3 GHz). Usually referred to whenever a signal is radiated through the air.

ROM Read Only Memory


SA Spectrum Analyzer

S/N Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Sampler An electronic component that captures the signal level and phase across a known impedance at a uniform rate. In Network Analyzers, this sampling rate must be sufficiently high and precisely timed to make accurate measurements. Network analyzers typically have three or four samplers or mixers.

Sampler Bounce The leakage or crosstalk between a network analyzer's samplers. Delay in this crosstalk caused by leakage transmission propagation, give the interference its "bounce" appearance. Sampler bounce causes an increase in the noise level of the affected channel, reducing the sensitivity of the analyzer.

Saturation The degree of color purity, on a scale from white to pure color.

Scalar A quantity that has magnitude but no phase. A network analyzer capable of measuring only magnitude.

Scale Factor The display vertical axis calibration in terms of units per division.

SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments

Screen The physical surface of the CRT or flat panel upon which the measurement results, setup information, softkey definitions, and other instrument communication is presented.

Self-Test A group of tests performed at power-up (or at preset) that verify proper instrument operation.

Sensitivity The minimum input signal required to produce a specified output signal having a specified signal-to-noise ratio, or other specified criteria.

On a spectrum analyzer, the level of the smallest sinusoid that can be observed, usually under optimized conditions of minimum resolution bandwidth, 0 dB input attenuation, and minimum video bandwidth.

The normalized change in YIG component's center frequency resulting from a change in tuning coil current, specified in MHz/mA.

Serial Prefix The five-character prefix that begins an instrument serial number; used to represent versions of firmware or hardware changes that have occurred.

Server A device that is configured to provide a service to other devices on a network, such as shared access to a file system or printer.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNR: The ratio of the amplitude of the desired signal to the amplitude of noise signals, usually expressed in dB and in terms of peak values for impulse noise and root-mean-square values for random noise.

Single Sweep Mode The spectrum analyzer sweeps once when trigger conditions are met. Each sweep is initiated by pressing an appropriate front panel key, or by sending a programming command.

Small Signal Gain Compression A situation when the input signal's measured amplitude is less than its actual level due to overloading of the network analyzer's input mixer; the analyzer is operating nonlinearly. For broadband analyzer detectors, a signal other than the one under test can put the analyzer into this gain compressed mode, thereby making even lower level signals appear at a lower level than actual. The broadband mode measures all the power incident to the analyzer, not just the signals at the frequency of interest.

Smith Chart A graphical mapping of the complex reflection coefficient into normalized complex impedance. Circles on the chart represent constant resistance and radiating lines orthogonal to the circles represent constant reactance. The center of the chart represents the characteristic impedance of the transmission system. Any point on the chart defines a single complex impedance. A line on the chart represents changing impedance over frequency.

SOLT Short-Open-Load-Through calibration. See also Calibration, SOLT.

Source A device that supplies signal power; a sweep oscillator or synthesized sweeper.

Source Amplitude Accuracy The amplitude uncertainty, in dB, of the source power readout.

Source Amplitude Flatness The amplitude flatness, in dB, of the source power over the frequency range specified.

Source Frequency Resolution The smallest unit of frequency which can be set and/or measured, in Hz.

Source Frequency Time Base Accuracy A measure of the analyzer's frequency stability measured in parts per million (ppm. or 1 part in 10E6). For example, a stability of ±5.0 ppm means that an analyzer will measure 1 MHz to an accuracy of ±5 x 10-6 x 10E6 Hz = +5 Hz.

Source Frequency Time Base Stability A measure of the analyzer's time base accuracy over time and temperature. Typically the time base accuracy will be specified for 1 year. A typical temperature frequency stability is ±10 ppm for 25° C± 50 C.

Source Harmonics The level of harmonics generated by the analyzer's signal source, in dBc from the fundamental.

Source Match A measure of how close the signal source impedance is to the ideal transmission line impedance of the test system. Match is usually measured as return loss or standing wave ratio (SWR) of the source.

Span The stop frequency minus the start frequency. The span setting determines the horizontal-axis scale of the analyzer display.

Span Accuracy The uncertainty of the indicated frequency separation of any two signals on the display.

S-Parameters (Scattering Parameters) A convention used to characterize the way a device modifies signal flow using a network analyzer. A two port device has four S-parameters: forward transmission (S21), reverse transmission (S12), forward reflection (S11), and reverse reflection (S22).

Stop/Start Frequency Terms used in association with the stop and start points of the frequency measurement range. Together they determine the span of the measurement range.

Storage States The number of settings, programs, traces, and other parameters available to be saved, cataloged, and recalled at any one time.

Storage, Disk An internal or external digital storage disk for saving test data, instrument settings, IBASIC programs, and other measurement parameters. Storage formats include MS-DOS (R) and HPs standard LIF with binary, PCX, HP-GL, or ASCII data formats.

Structural Return Loss Poor return loss in cable due to a periodic fault such as a periodic dent caused by dropping the cable spool or by the cable pulling process during manufacture.

Supplemental Characteristics Typical but non-warranted performance parameters, denoted as "typical", "nominal" or "approximate".

Sweep The ability of the source to provide a specified signal level over a specified frequency range in a specified time period. Also see Sweep Mode and Sweep Type.

In data processing mode, a series of consecutive data point measurements, taken over a sequence of stimulus values.

Sweep Mode The way in which a sweep is initiated or selected, e.g., single, continuous, alternate, or chopped.

Sweep Type The method of sweeping the source, e.g., linear, log, or frequency step.

Sweeper A signal source that outputs a signal that varies continuously in frequency.

SWR Standing Wave Ratio, calculated as (1 + p) / (1 -p) where p is the reflection coefficient.

Sync Synchronization, or Synchronized

Syntax The grammar rules that specify how commands must be structured for an operating system, programming language, or applications.

System Dynamic Range The difference between the maximum receiver input level and the receiver's noise floor. System dynamic range applies to transmission measurements only, since reflection measurements are limited by directivity.


T/R See Transmission/Reflection.

Termination A load connected to a transmission line or other device.

Test Limit The acceptable result levels for any given measurement.

Test Port See Port.

Test Port Receiver  In a network analyzer, the receiver directly behind the test ports, used to measure the signal as it is reflected off, or transmitted through, the DUT. This signal is typically compared with the signal at the Reference Receiver to determine how the DUT affects a signal. In a 2-port network analyzer, these are typically named 'A' (port 1) and 'B' (port 2).  See a block diagram of the receivers in your PNA.

Test Set The arrangement of hardware (switches, couplers, connectors and cables) that connect a test device input and output to the network analyzer's source and receiver to make s-parameter measurements.

Third Order Intercept TOI: The power input to a non-linear device that would cause third order distortion at the same power level. TOI is a measurement to determine the distortion characteristics of a mixer or receiver. The higher the value, the more immune the receiver to internal distortion.

Thru Through line: A calibration standard. See Calibration, SOLT.

Tint A shade of color; hue.

Toggle To switch states, usually to change a function from on to off, or off to on.

TOM Thru-Open-Match: A Rohde&Schwarz term to describe a calibration method.

Trace A series of data points containing frequency and response information. The series of data points is often called an array. The number of traces is specific to the instrument.

Tracking The ability of the analyzer's receiver to tune to the source frequency over the measurement frequency range. Poor tracking results in amplitude and phase errors due to the receiver IF circuits attenuating and delaying the device under test output.

Transfer Function The ratio of the output signal to the stimulus signal, both as a function of frequency.

Transmission See Transmission Measurements.

Transmission Intermodulation Spurious A measure of the capability of the transmitter to inhibit the generation of intermodulation distortion products. Intermodulation spurious is sometimes called intermodulation attenuation.

Transmission Measurements The characterization of the transfer function of a device, that is, the ratio of the output signal to the incident signal. Most common measurements include gain, insertion loss, transmission coefficient, insertion phase, and group delay, all measured over frequency. See also S-Parameters.

Transmission/Reflection (T/R) Refers to the suite of measurements made by a scalar or vector network analyzer to characterize a device's behavior over frequency. See also S-Parameters.

Transparent Something that is not visible to the user. Usually a procedure that occurs without the user's initiation or knowledge.

Trigger A signal that causes the instrument to make a measurement. The user can select several options for triggering, such as manual, continuous, or external (for synchronizing measurements to an external source).

TRL Through-Reflect-Line. See Calibration, TRL and LRM.

TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic

Two-Port Error Correction See Error Correction, 12-Term.


Uncorrected Measurements made without performing error correction.

Uncoupled Channels Stimulus or receiver settings allowed to be set independently for each channel.

UNI User-Network Interface: The point at which users connect to the network.

Units Dimensions on the measured quantities. Units usually refer to amplitude quantities because they can be changed. In analyzers with microprocessors, available units are dBm (dB relative to 1 mW dissipated in the nominal input impedance), dBmV (dB relative to 1 mV), dBW (dB relative to 1 1W), V (volts), W (watts).


Variable A symbol, the value of which changes either from one iteration of a program to the next, or within each iteration of a program.

Vector A quantity that has both magnitude and phase.

A network analyzer capable of measuring both magnitude and phase.

VEE Visual Engineering Environment (Keysight software product)

Velocity Factor A numerical value related the speed of energy through transmission lines with different dielectrics (.66 for polyethylene). Used in making time domain measurements.

Vertical Resolution The degree to which an instrument can differentiate amplitude between two signals.

Video An electrical signal containing timing, intensity, and often color information that, when displayed, gives a visual image.

Video Bandwidth In spectrum analyzers, the cutoff frequency (3 dB point) of an adjustable low-pass filter in the video circuit. When the video bandwidth is equal to or less than the resolution bandwidth, the video circuit cannot fully respond to the more rapid fluctuations of the output of the envelope detector. The result is a smoothing of the trace, or a reduction in the peak-to-peak excursion, of broadband signals such as noise and pulsed RF when viewed in broadband mode. The degree of averaging or smoothing is a function of the ratio of the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth.

Video Filter In spectrum analyzers, a post-detection, low-pass filter that determines the bandwidth of the video amplifier. It is used to average or smooth a trace. Refer also to Video Bandwidth.

VNA Vector Network Analyzer


Waveform A representation of a signal plotting amplitude versus time.

Wireless A term that refers to a broad range of technologies that provide mobile communications for home or office, and "in-building wireless" for extended mobility around the work area, campus, or business complex. It is also used to mean "cellular" for in-or out-of-building mobility services.

WWW World Wide Web






Zero-Length Through Path In a measurement calibration, when the two test cables mate together directly without using adapters or a thru-line. See also Non-Insertable Devices.