This example program creates a Noise Figure measurement, then calibrates the measurement.
You MUST change the ECal Identification strings (in Blue font).
Optional: Uncomment the following lines (in Blue font) to change these settings:
Noise Receiver = Noise Receiver to Std (PNA) Receiver
Cal Method = "Vector" to "Scalar"
Receiver Characterization Method = "NoiseSource" to "Power Meter"
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as Noise.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
Accessing the NoiseFigure object and NoiseCal object using C#
windowNum = 1 channelNum = 1 set pna=CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") set scpi = pna.ScpiStringParser pna.reset ' Create noise figure measurement set noise = pna.createcustommeasurementex(channelNum, "NoiseFigure", "NF", windowNum) set noisechan = pna.activechannel ' Create object to access noise-specific channel attributes set noiseConfig = pna.activechannel.CustomChannelConfiguration ' Create guided noise calibration object on our channel set noisecal = pna.GetCalmanager.CreateCustomCalEx(channelNum) set noiseCalExtension = noisecal.CustomCalConfiguration noiseCalExtension.NoiseSourceCold = 300 ' Substitute appropriate ECal identification strings here tunerEcal = "N4691-60004 ECal 02821" pullEcal = "N4691-60004 ECal 02297" ' configuration ConfigureChannel ConfigureNoiseSettings ' perform calibration SetupCalAttributes_Insertable SetupNoiseSource FinishCalibration ' ----- Support subroutines ------ ' Configure noise channel sub ConfigureChannel noisechan.startfrequency = 500e6 noisechan.stopfrequency = 5.0e9 noisechan.numberofpoints = 201 noisechan.IFBandwidth = 1.0E3 end sub ' Configure noise-specific channel settings sub ConfigureNoiseSettings noiseConfig.NoiseReceiver = 1 'Noise Receiver ' noiseConfig.NoiseReceiver = 0 'Std PNA Receiver noiseConfig.noiseaveragestate = true noiseConfig.NoiseAverageFactor = 40 noiseConfig.NoiseTuner = tunerEcal noiseConfig.NoiseTunerIn = "B" noiseConfig.NoiseTunerOut = "A" noiseConfig.NoiseBandwidth = 8e6 end sub sub SetupCalAttributes_Insertable noisecal.Initialize channelNum, true noisecal.ConnectorType( 1 ) = "APC 3.5 female" noisecal.ConnectorType( 2 ) = "APC 3.5 male"
noisecal.CalKitType (1) = pullEcal noisecal.CalKitType (2) = pullEcal
noiseCalExtension.NoiseSourceConnectorType = "APC 3.5 male" noiseCalExtension.NoiseSourceCalKitType = pullEcal noiseCalExtension.CalMethod = "Vector" ' noiseCalExtension.CalMethod = "Scalar" noiseCalExtension.RcvCharMethod = "NoiseSource" 'Can NOT be used with Std PNA Rcvr ' noiseCalExtension.RcvCharMethod = "PowerMeter" end sub sub SetupNoiseSource ' specify the ENR file for the noise source noiseCalExtension.ENRFile = "c:\users\public\network analyzer\documents/346C_MY44420454.enr" noiseCalExtension.NoiseSourceCold = 301.1 end sub ' Build the connection list and acquire the calibration sub FinishCalibration steps = noisecal.GenerateSteps for i = 1 to steps str = noisecal.GetStepDescription( i ) msgbox str noisecal.AcquireStep i next guid = noisecal.GenerateErrorTerms wscript.echo "Calibration created calset guid: ",guid end sub |
Replace <hostname> with the full computer name of your PNA
Type pna = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AgilentPNA835x.Application", "<hostname>"); AgilentPNA835x.Application app = (AgilentPNA835x.Application)Activator.CreateInstance(pna); app.Reset(); app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx(1, "NoiseFigure", "NF", 1); AgilentPNA835x.ICalManager5 calManager = (AgilentPNA835x.ICalManager5)app.GetCalManager(); AgilentPNA835x.IGuidedCalibration4 guidedCal4 = (AgilentPNA835x.IGuidedCalibration4) calManager.CreateCustomCalEx(1); AgilentPNA835x.INoiseCal noiseCal = (AgilentPNA835x.INoiseCal)guidedCal4.CustomCalConfiguration; |
Last Modified:
9-Jun-2011 |
Edited for Rcvr Char method (A.09.41) |
14-May-2010 |
Fixed hostname |
9-Nov-2007 |
MX New topic |