Create and Cal a Swept IMD Measurement

This VBScript example creates IMD power and IM3 measurements, sets sweep mode to Center Frequency Sweep, and performs an IMD cal.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as IMD.vbs.

You can see the VB Script program on the PNA that produces an IM spectrum channel from the Marker function at : C:/“/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Applications/IMD/IMD.VBS”.

Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See SweptIMD Object.

option explicit

'declare variables

dim SweepMode, StartDeltaFreq, StopDeltaFreq, NumFreqs, TonePower, CWFreq

dim app, hostname

'' Sweep type:

'' naIMDToneCWSweep         = 0

'' naIMDTonePowerSweep      = 1

'' naIMDToneCenterFreqSweep = 2

'' naIMDDeltaFrequencySweep = 3

'' naIMDToneSegmentSweep    = 4

'init variables

SweepMode   = 3         ' Sweep DeltaF

StartDeltaFreq   = 100e3

StopDeltaFreq    = 1e9

NumFreqs    = 201

TonePower   = -7

CWFreq      = 5e9

' get host name from commandline

dim objargs

set objargs = wscript.arguments

if(objargs.Count = 1) then hostname = objargs(0)

set app = CreateObject("Agilentpna835x.application", hostname)

call SetupIMD

call CalIMD


'' Create and Configure IMD channel


sub SetupIMD

    dim chan, imd


    ' Create IMD measurements

    app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Swept IMD", "PwrMain", 1

    app.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Swept IMD", "IM3", 1

    set chan = app.channels(1)

    chan.hold 1


    set imd = chan.CustomChannelConfiguration

    imd.SweepType = SweepMode

    imd.FrequencyCenter = CWFreq

    imd.DeltaFrequencyStart = StartDeltaFreq

    imd.DeltaFrequencyStop  = StopDeltaFreq

    imd.TonePower(0)        = TonePower  'F1 power

    imd.TonePower(1)        = TonePower  'F2 power


    chan.NumberOfPoints = NumFreqs

    chan.single 1

end sub    

sub CalIMD

    dim chan, CalMgr, IMDCal, IMDCustomCal, CalSteps, I, CalSet

    set chan = app.ActiveChannel

    set CalMgr = app.GetCalManager

    set IMDCal = CalMgr.CreateCustomCalEx(1)


    'Configure IMD GuidedCal for the connector types and ECal module that will be used

    ' Substitute appropriate connector type and ECal identification strings here

    IMDCal.Initialize 1, true 'channel number is 1

    IMDCal.ConnectorType(1) = "APC 3.5 female"

    IMDCal.ConnectorType(2) = "APC 3.5 male"

    IMDCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4693-60001 User 2 ECal 00012"

    IMDCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4693-60001 User 2 ECal 00012"


    ' IMD Custom settings

    set IMDCustomCal = IMDCal.CustomCalConfiguration


    ' Set the Power Level at the power sensor to be used in calibration

    IMDCustomCal.PowerLevel = 0


    ' Specify the connector type of the power sensor.  If there is an adapter between

    ' the input port and the power sensor, specify the connector type here, and set

    ' the appropriate cal kit type for the connector so that extra calibration can be

    ' performed.  To skip the calibration for the adapter, set PowerSensorConnectorType to "Ignored"

    ' i.e.: IMDCustomCal.PowerSensorConnectorType = "Ignored"

    IMDCustomCal.PowerSensorConnectorTYpe = "APC 3.5 female"

    IMDCustomCal.PowerSensorCalKitType = "N4693-60001 User 2 ECal 00012"


    ' Set the Max product to calibrate, valid values are 3, 5, 7, and 9

    IMDCustomCal.MaxProduct = 3


    ' Set the calibration Frequencies, can choose between calibrate only at center Frequencies (0)

    ' or calibrate at all frequencies (1).

    IMDCustomCal.CalibrationFrequencies = 1


    'Include 2nd order product in calibration

    IMDCustomCal.Include2ndOrderProduct = true


    CalSteps = IMDCal.GenerateSteps

    for I = 1 to CalSteps

        msgBox IMDCal.GetStepDescription(I)



    CalSet = IMDCal.GenerateErrorTerms

    msgBox "IMD Cal Done"

end sub

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