RF PathConfiguration Example

Note: These commands are accessible only for PNA-X models.

These Visual Basic and C# examples exercise various commands on the:

See Also

IFPathConfiguration Setup example

VB Example

' Create / Get the PNA application

Dim app

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

' Preset the instrument


' Get a channel interface on which to operate

Dim chan

Set chan = app.ActiveChannel

' Modify the Default configuration, and save it as “My Config

chan.PathConfiguration = "Default"

' Set the “Combiner” element to value “Reversed”

chan.PathConfiguration.Element("Combiner").Value = "Reversed"

' Set the “Src1” element to value “High Power”

chan.PathConfiguration.Element("Src1").Value = "High Power"

' Change the description text

chan.PathConfiguration.DescriptionText = "Connect J8 to J9."

' Store the modified configuration

chan.PathConfiguration.Store ("My Config")

' Set the instrument’s path config back to the default (req. 8)

chan.PathConfiguration = "Default"

' Load a previously saved configuration onto channel 1

app.PathConfigurationManager.Load 1, "My Config"


C# Example

Type pnaType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AgilentPNA835x.Application", "PNA-NAME-HERE");

   AgilentPNA835x.Application pna = (AgilentPNA835x.Application)Activator.CreateInstance(pnaType);

   AgilentPNA835x.Channel chan = (AgilentPNA835x.Channel)pna.ActiveChannel;

   // Preset the Instrument


   // Modify the Default configuration, and save it as "My Config"


   // Set the "Combiner" element to value "Reversed"

   chan.get_PathConfiguration().get_Element("Combiner").Value = "Reversed";

   // Change the description text

   chan.get_PathConfiguration().DescriptionText = "Connect J8 to J9.";

   // Store the modified configuration

   chan.get_PathConfiguration().Store("My Config");

   // Set the instrument’s path config back to the default (req. 8)


   // Load a previously saved configuration onto channel 2

   pna.PathConfigurationManager.LoadConfiguration(1, "My Config");