This example program performs a Guided Calibration on the active channel between ports 1 and 2. The following calibration features are demonstrated:
Guided Power Cal
Optional functions when using ECal
Select the Thru method
Save to a new CalSet
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as CompGuided.vbs. Learn How to setup and run the macro.
See Other COM Example Programs
' Performing a Guided 2-port cal (Ports 1 and 2) TwoPortGuidedCal Sub TwoPortGuidedCal ' Create / Get the PNA application. Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") Set calMgr = app.GetCalManager Set guidedCal = calMgr.GuidedCalibration Set chan = app.ActiveChannel chanNum = chan.ChannelNumber ' Initialize guided cal to be performed on the active channel. ' The boolean argument of True indicates to create a new calset ' for storing the new calibration to. guidedCal.Initialize chanNum, True ' Query the connectors that the PNA system recognizes conns = guidedCal.ValidConnectorTypes ' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring connList = FormatList(conns) ' Select the connector for Port 1 selectedConn1 = InputBox("Enter your DUT connector for Port 1. Choose from this list:" & _ Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList) If selectedConn1 = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.ConnectorType(1) = selectedConn1 ' Select the connector for Port 2 selectedConn2 = InputBox("Enter your DUT connector for Port 2. Again, choose from this list:" & _ Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList) If selectedConn2 = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.ConnectorType(2) = selectedConn2 ' Note: If your PNA has more than 2 ports, you would need to uncomment ' one or both of these next two lines, to explicitly specify this is ' just a 2-port cal. 'guidedCal.ConnectorType(3) = "Not used" 'guidedCal.ConnectorType(4) = "Not used" ' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations for Port 1. kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn1) ' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring kitList = FormatList(kits) ' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 1. selectedKit = InputBox("Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 1. " & _ "Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList) If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = selectedKit ' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations for Port 2. kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn2) ' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring kitList = FormatList(kits) ' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 2. selectedKit = InputBox("Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 2. " & _ "Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList) If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = selectedKit ' This determines whether the cal will be a "Guided Power Cal" ' or just a traditional S-parameter cal. message = "On which port number shall power be measured? " message = message & "For a traditional guided cal without power cal, enter 0" Dim powerPort powerPort = CInt( InputBox(message) ) If powerPort > 0 Then guidedCal.PerformPowerCalibration(powerPort) = True Dim retVal retVal = MsgBox("Is the power sensor's connector type or gender different from the DUT connector for that port?", vbYesNo) If retVal = vbYes Then message = "Enter your power sensor's connector. Choose from this list:" message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList ' Select the sensor's connector. selectedConn1 = InputBox(message) If selectedConn1 = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.PowerSensorConnectorType(powerPort) = selectedConn1 ' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations ' that are applicable for the sensor's connector. kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn1) ' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring kitList = FormatList(kits) message = "Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector. " message = message & "Choose from this list:" message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList ' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector. selectedKit = InputBox(message) If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.PowerSensorCalkitType(powerPort) = selectedKit Else guidedCal.PowerSensorConnectorType(powerPort) = "Ignored" End If ' End of block that considers the sensor's connector ' Ask for the power level to perform the power cal at ' (if this command is omitted, the default is 0 dBm). Dim powerLevel powerLevel = InputBox("Enter the power level for the power cal to be performed at") If powerLevel = "" Then Exit Sub guidedCal.PowerCalibrationPowerLevel(powerPort) = CDbl(powerLevel) Else guidedCal.PerformPowerCalibration(1) = False End If ' End of block that considers if the cal will include power calibration '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This next block of commented-out code shows optional functions when using ECal. ' These OrientECALModule and ECALPortMapEx properties would need to be set prior to ' calling GenerateSteps on the guidedCal object. ' Read the information about the Keysight factory characterization data ' of ECal module #1 on the USB bus 'Set calibrator = chan.Calibrator 'Const ECalModule1 = 1 'module1Info = calibrator.GetECALModuleInfoEx(ECalModule1) 'MsgBox "Description of ECal module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info ' By default, during calibration the PNA automatically determines the orientation of ' the ECal module (senses which port of the module is connected to which port of the PNA). ' However, since this setting could have recently been overridden by another user of ' the instrument, use this next line to ensure the auto orientation setting is enabled. 'calibrator.OrientECALModule = True ' Alternatively, if you are measuring at very low power levels where ' the PNA fails to sense the module's orientation, you may need to turn off the auto ' orientation and specify how the module is connected (as in these next two lines of code, ' "A1,B2" would indicate Port A of the module is connected to Port 1 and ' Port B is connected to Port 2). 'calibrator.OrientECALModule = False 'calibrator.ECALPortMapEx(ECalModule1) = "A1,B2" ' End of optional ECal setup '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Select the thru method of Default. This instructs the PNA to determine which thru ' standard measurement technique to use, based upon the selected connectors and ' calibration kit(s) and what model of PNA this is. guidedCal.ThruCalMethod = 0 ' 0 = naDefaultCalMethod ' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps MsgBox "Number of steps is " + CStr(numSteps) ' Measure the standards For i = 1 To numSteps step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps) strPrompt = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i) MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step guidedCal.AcquireStep i Next ' Conclude the calibration guidedCal.GenerateErrorTerms MsgBox "Cal is done!"
End Sub Function FormatList(tokens) For i = 0 To UBound(tokens) list = list & tokens(i) & Chr(10) Next FormatList = list End Function |
Last Modified:
8-Oct-2010 |
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