ICalData Interface for putting and getting typed Calibration data.
The Calibrator object, a child of the channel, is used to perform an Unguided calibration.
Important! Do NOT use commands from the GuidedCalibration object when performing an Unguided calibration. Use ONLY the Calibrator object. You can NOT perform a full 3 or 4-port using the Calibrator object. You must use the GuidedCalibration object. |
There must be a measurement present for the calibrator to use or you will receive a "no measurement found" error. Therefore, to perform a 2-port cal, you must have any S-parameter measurement on the channel. For a 1-port measurement, you must have the measurement (S11 or S22) on the channel. The same is true for a response measurement.
There are a number of approaches to calibration with the calibrator object:
You can collect data yourself and download it to the ACQUISITION buffer. The acquisition buffer holds the actual measured data for each standard. See the PNA data map.
Connect a standard
Trigger a sweep
Retrieve the data for the standard
Download the data - calibrator.putStandard
Repeat for each standard
You can tell the calibrator to acquire a standard. In this case, the calibrator collects the data and places it in the ACQUISITION buffer.
Connect a standard
Repeat for each standard
You can put previously-retrieved error terms in the error correction buffer.
Repeat for each term
Measurement.Caltype = pick one
You can also "piece together" a 2-port cal from two 1-port cals (S11 and S22) and four response (thru) cals. The system will detect that all the standards needed for a 2-port cal have been acquired even though they may not have gathered at the same time.
Dim app As AgilentPNA835x.Application
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application", <analyzerName>)
Dim cal As ICalibrator
Set cal = app.ActiveChannel.Calibrator
Methods |
Interface |
Description |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with AcquireCalConfidenceCheckECALEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Transfers ECAL confidence data into analyzer memory |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with AcquireCalStandard2 |
ICalibrator |
Causes the analyzer to measure a calibration standard. Also provides for sliding load. |
ICalibrator |
Generates Error Terms from standard and actual data in the error correction buffer. |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with DoECAL1PortEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Completes a 1 port ECAL |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with DoECAL2PortEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Completes a 2 port ECAL |
ICalibrator |
Concludes an ECAL confidence check |
ICalibrator5 |
Perform a receiver power cal. |
ICalibrator9 |
Perform a response (normalization) cal. |
ICalibrator8 |
Returns information about the attached modules |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with Get ECALModuleInfoEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Returns information about the attached module |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with GetErrorTermByString |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with GetStandardByString |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with PutErrorTermByString |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with PutStandardByString |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with CalSet.Save |
ICalibrator |
Specifies the type of calibration and prepares the internal state for the rest of the calibration. |
Properties |
Interface |
Description |
ICalibrator |
Specifies the direction in a 2-Port cal using one set of standards. |
ICalibrator10 |
Sets and returns the name of the Cal Kit to use for unguided cal. |
ICalibrator10 |
Returns the names of the first 50 mechanical cal kits in your PNA that can be used for unguided calibrations. |
ICalibrator2 |
Superseded with ECALCharacterizationEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Specifies which set of characterization data within an ECal module will be used for ECal operations with that module. |
ICalibrator6 |
Returns a list of characterizations stored in the specified ECal module. |
ICalibrator |
Specifies whether the acquisition of the ECal calibration should include isolation or not. |
ICalibrator6 |
Returns a list of index numbers to be used for referring to the ECal modules that are currently attached to the PNA. |
ICalibrator3 |
Superseded with ECALPortMapEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Specifies which ports of the ECal module are connected to which ports of the PNA. |
ICalibrator |
Superseded with IsECALModuleFoundEx |
ICalibrator4 |
Superseded with ECALCharacterizationIndexList and ECALModuleNumberList |
ICalibrator7 |
Value to increase the channel's averaging factor. |
ICalibrator3 |
Specifies if the PNA should perform orientation of the ECal module during calibration. |
ICalibrator |
Allows the use of 2 sets of standards at the same time. |
Interface |
Introduced with PNA Rev: |
ICalibrator |
1.0 |
ICalibrator2 |
3.1 |
ICalibrator3 |
3.1 |
ICalibrator4 |
3.5 |
ICalibrator5 |
5.0 |
ICalibrator6 |
5.26 |
ICalibrator7 |
7.21 |
ICalibrator8 |
8.1 |
ICalibrator9 |
9.1 |
ICalibrator10 |
9.2 |
Contains methods for putting Calibration data in and getting Calibration data out of the analyzer using typed data. This interface transfers data more efficiently than variant data. However, this interfaces is only usable from VB6, C, & C++. All other programming languages must use the ICalSet interface.
There is also an ICalData Interface on the CalSet Object
Learn about reading and writing Calibration data.
Methods |
Description |
Retrieves error term data |
Retrieves calibration data from the acquisition data buffer (before error-terms are applied). |
Puts error term data |
Puts calibration data into the acquisition data buffer (before error-terms are applied). |
Properties |
Description |
None |
Interface |
Introduced with PNA Rev: |
ICalData |
1.0 |