This example performs a VMC Mixer Characterization ONLY.
To run this example program without error:
Replace the ECal module model and serial number with that of your own, or a mechanical cal kit model.
Store a 'default.csa' instrument state file on the PNA with the setup information for your mixer. Or add mixer setup information to this program. See an example.
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs.
Learn how to setup and run the macro.
See Other COM Example Programs
dim pna: set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.application") pna.recall "c:\users\public\network analyzer\documents/default.csa" set chan = pna.activechannel DoBasicVMCCal (chan.channelNumber)
sub DoBasicVMCCal( channel ) dim myMixerCharFile: myMixerCharFile = "C:/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Documents/com_characterize.s2p"
' construct a VMC calibration object dim calmanager: set calmanager = pna.GetCalManager dim guidedCal: set guidedCal = calmanager.CreateCustomCalEx( channel ) dim vmc: set vmc = guidedCal.CustomCalConfiguration
' Initialize the cal object. ' usecalsetpreference is unused for the mixer characterization wizard dim useCalSetPreference: useCalSetPreference = false vmc.Initialize channel, useCalSetPreference
' Define the DUT connectors and kits at port 1 of the PNA vmc.ConnectorType (1) = "APC 3.5 female" vmc.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal 02593" ' Define the DUT connectors for the output of the characterization mixer ' Use (logical) Port 3. vmc.ConnectorType(3) = "APC 3.5 female" ' Specify the mechanical cal kit for measuring the characterization mixer vmc.CalKitType(3) = "N4691-60004 ECal 02593" vmc.CharacterizeMixerOnly = true ' this specifies that we will create a characterization files ' this file will be written (.s2p and .s2px file) vmc.CharFileName = MyMixerCharFile vmc.AutoOrient = True ' For the mixer char step ONLY, ' Auto orientation is turned OFF by the PNA. ' Otherwise it would fail because of the loss of the mixer. ' Manually set the ECal orientation for that step. vmc.EcalOrientation1Port(1) = "B1" ' the main calibration loop ' a description for the connection instructions is read ' and then the standard is acquired dim steps, connectionPrompt steps = vmc.GenerateSteps msgbox "Number of Steps = " + cstr(steps) if (steps > 0) then ' otherwise an error condition occurred for i = 1 to steps connectionPrompt = vmc.GetStepDescription( i ) msgbox connectionPrompt vmc.AcquireStep( i ) next vmc.GenerateErrorTerms end if end sub |