The following example program sets up a 1-stage mixer, then performs a VMC calibration using an N4691-60004 ECal module.
By removing the comments ( ' ) at the start of the BLUE code, it can also do the following:
Use a mechanical cal kit
Perform manual ECAL orientation
Load a Mixer Characterization file
Example - Perform a VMC Mixer Characterization ONLY
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as VMC.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
dim NASWEPT: NASWEPT = 0 dim NAFIXED: NAFIXED = 1 dim LOWSIDE: LOWSIDE = 0 dim HIGHSIDE: HIGHSIDE = 1 dim MIXEROUT: MIXEROUT = 2 dim pna: set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.application") pna.reset ' Create a VMC channel ' Other valid measurement strings are: "S11", and "S22" pna.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 1, "Vector Mixer/Converter","VC21",1 ' Setup Stimulus dim chan: set chan = pna.activechannel dim cv: set cv = chan.Converter chan.NumberOfPoints = 11 chan.IFBandwidth = 1000 cv.InputStartFrequency = 3.6e9 cv.InputStopFrequency = 3.9e9 cv.LOFixedFrequency(1) = 1e9 cv.LOPower(1) = 10 cv.OutputSideband = LOWSIDE cv.Calculate MIXEROUT cv.LOName(1) = "Port 3" cv.Apply() DoBasicVMCCal (chan.channelNumber)
sub DoBasicVMCCal( channel ) dim myMixerCharFile: myMixerCharFile = "C:/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Documents/MyMixerS2P.s2p"
' construct a VMC calibration object dim calmanager: set calmanager = pna.GetCalManager dim guidedCal: set guidedCal = calmanager.CreateCustomCalEx( channel ) dim vmc: set vmc = guidedCal.CustomCalConfiguration
' Initialize the cal object. ' Choose to respect or ignore the Preference: Cal: Auto Save to User Calset ' if you set this true, the behavior will be dependent on the setting ' of the preference. dim useCalSetPreference: useCalSetPreference = false vmc.Initialize channel, useCalSetPreference
' Define the DUT connectors and kits at ports 1 and 2 of the PNA vmc.ConnectorType (1) = "APC 3.5 female" vmc.ConnectorType (2) = "APC 3.5 male" ' Use Mechanical cal kits vmc.CalKitType(1) = "85033D/E" vmc.CalKitType(2) = "85033D/E" ' To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above two lines ' and uncomment the appropriate lines below: ' Your ECal module must already be connected ' via USB to the PNA. ' vmc.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal" ' vmc.CalKitType(2) = "N4691-60004 ECal" ' Non-factory characterizations are specified as follows: ' vmc.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 User 1 ECal" ' When two or more ECal modules with the same model number are connected ' also specify the serial number as follows: ' vmc.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal 01234" ' When Disk Memory ECal user characterizations are used, ' specify both the User char and the serial number as follows: ' vmc.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 MyDskChar ECal 01234" ' MsgBox("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 and 2")
' By default, VMC requires the measurement of a Calibration Mixer. ' To determine the conversion loss of the calmixer, the cal wizard ' will add a step to perform a 1 port cal at the output of the mixer. ' The following commands opt to perform the mixer ' characterization using a cal kit. ' Do both characterization and full 2-port cal vmc.CharacterizeMixerOnly = False ' Define the DUT connectors for the output of the characterization mixer ' Use (logical) Port 3. If it is already used by the DUT, ' then specify port 4. vmc.ConnectorType(3) = "APC 3.5 male" ' Specify the mechanical cal kit for port 3 vmc.CalKitType(3) = "85033D/E"
' To avoid performing the 1-port cal steps, provide the wizard with a ' mixer characterization file. Uncomment the following two lines to ' specify the characterization file. This is an .S2P file. ' vmc.CharFileName = myMixerCharFile ' this file will be read ' vmc.LoadCharFromFile = true
' By default, auto orientation of the ecal module is performed ' Uncomment the following lines to manually orient the ecal ' vmc.autoorient = false ' for 2-port portion, ecal port A connected to PNA port 1 ' vmc.EcalOrientation2Port(1) ="A1,B2" ' for mixer char, ecal port A connected to cal mixer output ' vmc.EcalOrientation1Port(1) = "A1"
' the main calibration loop ' a description for the connection instructions is read ' and then the standard is acquired dim steps, connectionPrompt steps = vmc.GenerateSteps wscript.echo "Number of Steps = " + cstr(steps) if (steps > 0) then ' otherwise an error condition occurred for i = 1 to steps connectionPrompt = vmc.GetStepDescription( i ) wscript.echo connectionPrompt vmc.AcquireStep( i ) next vmc.GenerateErrorTerms end if end sub
Last Modified:
19-Feb-2013 |
Removed Mixer Char |
1-Dec-2011 |
Added char mixer connector and cal kit. |
5-Apr-2011 |
Updated for ECal options |
16-Feb-2011 |
Modifications for FCA2 |