Upload and Download Segment Table

These example programs use the SetAllSegments_Method and GetAllSegments Method to do the following:

This program does not make sweep type = segment or show the segment table.

The comments indicate the order in which the segment elements are specified: Index 0 - segment state, Index 4 is IFBW, and so forth.

See Other COM Example Programs

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.


' Create the application instance, and preset the application
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Dim chan
Set chan = app.ActiveChannel
chan.sweeptype = 4

Dim segs
Set segs = chan.Segments

Dim win
Set win = app.NAWindows(1)
win.ShowTable 2

' Multipliers

kHz = 1000
MHz = kHz*1000
GHz = MHz*1000
' Create segments from 10MHz to 3GHz

StartFreq = 10 * MHz
StopFreq  =  3 * GHz
'*  Create 10 segments between StartFreq and StopFreq
' Create a 2-D array of segments.  
' 1st dimension is size 7 (6 is max index)
' to hold all the data per segment.  
' 2nd dimension is size 10 (9 is max index)
' to hold 10 total segments.

Dim segdata(6, 9)
' Width of frequency segment, used below

SegmentWidth = (StopFreq-StartFreq)/10
' Fill up all 10 segments (indicies 0 to 9) with data

For i = 0 To 9
' element 0=segment state (on or off)

segdata(0, i) = True

' element 1=Num Points in this segment

segdata(1, i) = 500

' element 2=Start Freq

segdata(2, i) = StartFreq + i * SegmentWidth

' element 3=Stop Freq
segdata(3, i) = segdata(2, i) + SegmentWidth

' element 4=IFBW

segdata(4, i) = 35000

' element 5=Dwell Time

segdata(5, i) = 0

' element 1=Power

segdata(6, i) = 0


' Configure Independent segment settings

segs.IFBandwidthOption = 1
segs.SourcePowerOption = 1

' Push the segment data into the PNA's Active Channel

segs.SetAllSegments segdata

Download Segment Table

Option Explicit

Dim app

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Dim chan

Set chan = app.ActiveChannel

chan.sweeptype = 4

Dim segs

Set segs = chan.Segments

Dim win

Set win = app.NAWindows(1)

win.ShowTable 2

Dim segData

segData = segs.GetAllSegments

' Get lower bound and upper bound on the data values per each segment

Dim segDataLB, segDataUB

segDataLB = LBound(segData,1)

segDataUB = UBound(segData,1)

' Get lower bound and upper bound corresponding to how many segments

Dim segArrayLB, segArrayUB

segArrayLB = LBound(segData,2)

segArrayUB = UBound(segData,2)

' If the VB LBound and UBound functions didn't generate an error

' before reaching this point, that implies a valid two-dimensional

' array was returned into 'segData'.

WScript.Echo "Number of segments = " & segArrayUB - segArrayLB + 1

WScript.Echo "Number of data values per segment = " & segDataUB - segDataLB + 1

Dim index

index = segDataLB

Dim segInfStr

segInfStr = "Segment 1: state = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

index = index + 1

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", num points = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

index = index + 1

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", start freq = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

index = index + 1

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", stop freq = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

index = index + 1

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", IFBW = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

index = index + 1

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", dwell time = " & segData(index, segArrayLB)

' In case of a measurement receiver PNA like N5264A

' which has no source ports, chan.SourcePortNames will

' return an empty variant (no array)

Dim srcPortNames

srcPortNames = chan.SourcePortNames

Dim srcPortNamesLB, srcPortNamesUB

srcPortNamesUB = -1

On Error Resume Next

srcPortNamesLB = LBound(srcPortNames)

srcPortNamesUB = UBound(srcPortNames)

On Error GoTo 0

If (srcPortNamesUB >= 0) And ((srcPortNamesUB - srcPortNamesLB + 1) <> (segDataUB - index)) Then

   WScript.Echo "Mismatch in number of source port names!"

End If

Dim j

For j = index + 1 To segDataUB

   segInfStr = segInfStr & ", " & srcPortNames(j - (index + 1) + srcPortNamesLB) & " power = " & segData(j, segArrayLB)


WScript.Echo segInfStr