About Calibration Standards

AcquireCalStandard2 Method


Measures the specified standard from the selected calibration kit. The calibration kit is selected using app.CalKitType.

For 2-port calibration, it is also necessary to specify direction with AcquisitionDirection.

To omit Isolation from a 2-port calibration, do not Acquire a cal standard for naSOLT_Isolation.

For using two sets of standards, see Simultaneous2PortAcquisition Property.

Note: This command replaces AcquireCalStandard. This command provides for the acquisition of a sliding load cal. All other functionality is identical.

 VB Syntax

cal.AcquireCalStandard2 std[,index][,slide]


(Type) - Description


A Calibrator (object)


(enum NACalClass) Standard to be measured. Choose from:

1 - naClassA

2 - naClassB

3 - naClassC

4 - naClassD

5 - naClassE

6 - naReferenceRatioLine

7 - naReferenceRatioThru

SOLT Standards

1 - naSOLT_Open

2 - naSOLT_Short

3 - naSOLT_Load

4 - naSOLT_Thru

5 - naSOLT_Isolation

TRL Standards

1 - naTRL_Reflection

2 - naTRL_Line_Reflection

3 - naTRL_Line_Tracking

4 - naTRL_Thru

5 - naTRL_Isolation


(long integer) Number of the standard. Optional argument - Used if there is more than one standard required to cover the necessary frequency range. If unspecified, value is set to 1.

Note  The behavior has changed with PNA revisions as follows:

  • Before 6.01: Accepted 0 and changed it to 1

  • 6.01 to 6.04: Did NOT accept 0

  • 6.04.11 and higher: Accepts 0 and changes it to 1


(enum as NACalStandardSlidingState) Optional argument. State of the sliding load. The slide should be set a minimum of five times. Seven is the maximum that can be stored.  Choose from:

0 - naNotSlidingStd - not using a sliding load - Default if not specified.

1 - naSlideIsSet - slide is set for acquisition

2 - naSlideIsDone - this next acquisition will be the last. Calculations will then be performed.

Return Type



Not Applicable


Cal.AcquireCalStandard2 naSOLT_Thru
Cal.AcquireCalStandard2 naSOLT_Thru,2,naNotSlidingStd
'measures the second standard listed in the class of naSOLT_Thru

C++ Syntax

HRESULT AcquireCalStandard2(NACalClass enumClass, long standardPosition, NACalStandardSlidingState slidingStandardState)



Last modified:


Modified Index argument.