A collection object that provides a mechanism for iterating through all the Cal Sets in the analyzer. There is no ordering to the items in the collection. Therefore make no assumptions about the formatting of the collection.
For the Item and Remove methods, you can specify either the Cal Set string name, or the integer item of the Cal Set in the collection.
Get a handle to the CalSets collection through the CalManager object with the app.GetCalManager Method.
Dim app As AgilentPNA835x.Application
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application", <analyzerName>)
Dim calsts As CalSets
Set calsts = app.GetCalManager.CalSets
Methods |
Interface |
Description |
ICalSets2 |
Returns whether the specified Cal Set exists |
ICalSets |
Returns a handle to a CalSet object in the collection. |
ICalSets |
Deletes the Cal Set residing at position index in the collection. |
Properties |
Description |
ICalSets |
Returns the number of Cal Sets in the collection. |
Interface |
Introduced with PNA Rev: |
ICalSets |
1.0 |
ICalSets2 |
9.33 |
Last Modified:
28-Feb-2011 |
Added Exists (9.33) |
30-Oct-2007 |
added item and remove note. |