Provides the ability to send a SCPI command from within the COM command. The two commands differ in the following ways:
Execute - will not return an error unless the Execute command itself fails, which is unlikely. Otherwise, you are required to read the SCPI error queue for errors that were caused by the SCPI command. The Execute command operates with minimal interference between you, the programmer, and the SCPI parser. It does not presume how you want to handle errors: handle by ignore, handle by reading the status byte, etc. This command was defined because automation engines like VB throw runtime errors when a COM method returns a failed HRESULT.
Parse - parses the input command, and then reads the SCPI error queue until the queue is empty. If the queue contains errors, Parse returns a failed HRESULT (E_NA_BAD_SCPI_EXECUTE). It then creates an IErrorInfo object and bundles the error numbers and descriptions into the error object. This object is available so that you can detect the failed HRESULT and interrogate the errorInfo object for more details.
The SCPIStringParser Methods can NOT be used with:
Dim app As AgilentPNA835x.Application
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application", <analyzerName>)
Dim SCPI As IScpiStringParser
Set SCPI = app.ScpiStringParser
See an example of how to return error information when using the Parse method.
Methods |
Interface |
Description |
ISCPIStringParser |
Provides the ability to send a SCPI command from within the COM command. |
ISCPIStringParser2 |
Does not convert scpi errors. Use :SYST:ERR? |
Properties |
None |
Interface |
Introduced with PNA Rev: |
ISCPIStringParser |
1.0 |
ISCPIStringParser2 |
3.0 |